
现在越来越大的工作和生活压力,让人很容易情绪失控,情绪失控带来的后果又让我们更加被动,所以我们越来越发现“处理好情绪”已经成为“高频”发生的“刚需”!没有人希望自己一直处于消极的情绪状态,但是却不知道该怎么样去调整情绪! 由美国VitalSmarts认证讲师、InsideOut Coaching 认证教练和专栏作家王明伟老师主编的《积极达成》这门精品版权课程来自于情绪管理畅销书《积极达成:处理好情绪,再处理问题》(已经多次重印,亚马逊京东当当脱销十次以上!),帮助你解决自己或者对方的情绪问题,让你们能够在工作和生活中都积极达成希望的结果。

With pressure from work and family increasing, more people are struggling to control and adjust their emotions. The inability to control their tempers can be harmful to work performance and relationships with colleagues and families. Now the program "Emotion Management” based on the bestseller "Being Positive: Managing Emotions before Dealing with Problems", which was edited by Mr. Wang Mingwei, Verified Trainer of US VitalSmarts and InsideOut Coaching as well as Columnist, will help you manage your emotions and solve the emotional issues of those around you. With this program, you can take control of your life and become a positive force in your workplace as well as in your social life.

我们有幸请到王老师于百忙之中,为我们介绍他的著作,并现场指导如何使用书中的工具来处理好情绪问题,以便提升自己的专业素质和工作能力。 活动由芬兰商会主办, 由丹麦商会,瑞典商会协办,我们诚邀您的参与, 希望能帮助您更好地在工作中调整情绪,同时活动中会向来宾赠送原版图书《积极达成:处理好情绪,再处理问题》作为参与者继续学习的工具,并可现场由王老师签名留念。

We are very pleased to invite Mr. Wang to introduce his book and to instruct the attendees to use the tools described in the book for motion management in order to improve professional cultivation and work capabilities. Hosted by FBCB with DCCC and SCCC, we are happy to invite you to join our event for learning more about how to manage the emotions at work. A copy of "Being Positive: Managing Emotions before Dealing with Problems" will be presented as a learning tool to every attendee, and you could ask for Mr. Wang’s autographs then.

活动主要议程 Agenda:
15:30 - 16:00 报到、自由交流 Registration, networking
16:00 - 16:05 活动介绍 Introduction
16:05 - 16:55 情绪分析的工具,以及如何调整自己的情绪 Tools for emotion analysis and how to manage emotions
16:55 - 17:00 行动计划 Next steps
17:00 - 17:30 自由交流 Free communications

Venue: 北京朝阳区光华路2号阳光100 F座105室米可自选沙拉阳光100店2层
2nd Flr. MixGarden Salad, RM 105, Tower F, Yangguang 100, 2 Guanghua Road Chaoyang District, Beijing
语言:中文 Chinese


  • WANG王明伟 Mingwei

    WANG王明伟 Mingwei

    Founder of Mont Blanc Consulting and Developer of “Being Positive” Course

    王明伟先生是勃朗峰咨询创始人,《积极达成》版权课程开发人,也是美国VitalSmarts中国区最早认证讲师,美国InsideOut Coaching认证教练,原凯洛格连续两届年度最佳讲师,具备世界500强销售及管理经验,曾在思科、惠普、美资网络安全有限公司等企业任销售总监等管理职务。作为管理专栏作家,在《人力资本管理》杂志撰写专栏,并在《哈佛商业评论》等杂志发表文章。
    Mr. Wang is the Founder of Mont Blanc Consulting and the Developer of “Being Positive” Course. He is qualified as an outstanding trainer by VitalSmart, and his demonstration classes, "Crucial Conversations" and "Influencer" enjoy high reputation and popularity in the US. He is a well-known trainer with 10 years of sales & management working experience in Fortune 500 & US companies such as Cisco and HP, as well as being a Sales Director of a network security company.
    Mr. Wang published his first book "Being Positive" in 2014, which was reprinted several times. Moreover, Mr. Wang has developed the training course "Being Positive: Managing Emotions before Dealing with Problems", which provide practical and effective approaches to managing emotions.

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