This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Danish Chamber of Commerce in China events.

In times of global uncertainty, shifts in geopolitical dynamics, risk mitigation, and slowing economic growth, China continues to play a pivotal role in the world economy and supply chains. Understanding China is crucial for businesses aiming to navigate the Chinese market, but equally important, China's role in the global space.

Join us for this webinar, where our two speakers will delve into China's economic and business spheres, painting a comprehensive picture of the implications and opportunities that lie ahead for foreign businesses operating in and outside of China.


04:00 pm (09:00 am DK time) Welcome

Hans Henrik Pontoppidan, Secretary General, DCBF

04:05 pm (09:05 am DK time) Economic Update: The Prospects of Economic Growth in China

Allan von Mehren, Chief Analyst, Danske Bank

Has the Chinese Economy run out of steam? What are the challenges in question? If the old instruments do not work, what transition does China need to go through?

04:25 pm (09:25 am DK time) Commercial Update: De-risking and Strategic Considerations

Hans Henrik Pontoppidan, Secretary General, DCBF

What critical factors should companies consider when formulating their China strategies? How do foreign businesses operating in China best position themselves if lower growth rates will apply over the next few years?

04:40 pm (09:40 am DK time) Q&A and Panel Debate

Moderated by Hans Henrik Pontoppidan, Secretary General, DCBF

05:00 pm (10:00 am DK time) End of session

DATE | 日期

Tuesday, Feb 6, 2024 | 2月6日星期二

TIME | 时间

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm (CN time)

9:00 am - 10:00 am (DK time)

VENUE | 地点

Online meeting

The link will be sent to you one day before the webinar to your email



Allan Von Mehren

Chief Analyst, Danske Bank

Hans Henrik Pontoppidan

Secretary General, DCBF



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