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The DCCC is pleased to invite you to the Legal Workgroup Seminar and we are honored to invite Mr. Liu Zhenghe, the partner of Anjie Broad Law Firm. He will share'View Common Employment Law Issues in Human Resource Management from the Perspective of the Supreme Court's Guiding Cases'. It covers the following topics:


  • The significance of guiding cases in labor arbitration and litigation
  • 劳动争议指导案例对仲裁、诉讼争议案件重要意义
  • Adjudication standard of cases involving performance bonuses and year-end bonuses disputes in Guiding Cases No. 182 and 183
  • 从指导案例182号、183号看绩效奖金、年终奖金争议案件裁审尺度
  • Adjudication standard of cases involving termination due to severe disciplinary violation in Guiding Cases No. 180 and 181
  • 从指导案例180号、181号看员工严重违反公司规章制度劳动合同解除争议案件裁审尺度
  • Adjudication standard of cases involving position transfer in Case No. 14 of the first batch of typical labor dispute cases released by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Supreme People's Court in 2020
  • 从2020年人社部、最高院第一批劳动争议典型案例14号看员工岗位调整争议案件裁审尺度

Event Details:

Date: Friday, 24 February, 2023


Time: 14:00-16:00 PM


Language: Chinese


Price: Free (Only for Members)



Address: DRC Liangmaqiao Diplomatic Office Building, 19th Floor, 19 Dongfang East Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing


Zoom meeting link will be sent to you by email one day before the event, thank you.


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