This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Danish Chamber of Commerce in China events.

The DCCC is pleased to invite you to this breakfast event organized by the Swiss Chamber and in collaboration with Swedcham and FinnCham. This event is catered to the C-level management of foreign companies manufacturing and trading in and with China.

Under the title "Winning today's race while running tomorrow's", PwC is sharing the outcome of their recent 26th Annual Global CEO Survey, which was answered by over 4,400 CEOs worldwide (including 1,634 in Asia Pacific). Sentiments are clear: in the short-term manage external risks to drive profitability to survive. Simultaneously, in the longer term, transform to thrive. PwC calls the combination of these two mandates the dual imperative.

Executing the dual imperative is a complex undertaking. It requires businesses to accelerate innovation while delivering short term efficiency. It places pressure on the CEO's agenda to collaborate broader and deeper than ever before as part of a revamped business model. CEOs who - comprehensively understand the challenges, redefine priorities around value creation, build a differentiated culture of empowerment and pragmatically leverage a broad suite of stakeholders - are primed for success.

During this exclusive C-Level Breakfast, PwC's leading partner Gabriel Wong will:

  • share some selected insights of the survey findings
  • provide a break-down of differences in the thinking and approaches of CEOs in APAC and other European countries
  • discuss CEO priorities for action, based on PwC's research and experience helping global leaders with these issues

CEO Survey links

  • For PwC's 26th Annual Global CEO Survey, please click here​.
  • For Asia Pacific edition of the survey, please click here​.


普华永道将以 "在参与明天赛跑的同时赢得今天的比赛 "为主题,分享他们最近进行的第26次全球CEO年度调查的结果,该调查由全球4400多名CEO参与(包括亚太地区的1634名)。人们的看法很明确:管理者们应在短期内管理外部风险,以推动盈利能力的发展。同时,从长远来看,为实现在亚太市场蓬勃发展而做出蜕变转型。普华永道将这两项任务的结合称为双重要求。



  • 分享调查结果的解读
  • 详细介绍亚太地区、瑞士和其他欧洲国家的CEO在思维和方法上的差异
  • 根据普华永道的研究和帮助全球领导人解决这些问题的经验,探讨CEO该如何决定行动的优先次序


  • Gabriel Wong (Inbound/Outbound Leader, Deals Markets Leader, Head of China Corporate Finance at Pwc)

    Gabriel Wong

    Inbound/Outbound Leader, Deals Markets Leader, Head of China Corporate Finance at Pwc

    More Information


  • Member Ticket

    RMB 220

    This ticket is for members of the Danish Chamber of Commerce. Ticket includes a breakfast buffet, juice, coffee and tea.

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