Join us for an insightful Nordic Chamber seminar in Beijing organized by the Danish Chamber of Commerce in China, the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in China, the Finnish Chamber, and the Norwegian Business Association.

This seminar will feature Tuuli Koivu, Chief Economist at Nordea, who will provide a comprehensive China Economic Outlook. This is a unique opportunity to gain expert insights into the crrent and future economic landscape of China, as well as its implications for global markets.

Why You Should Attend

This seminar is a must-attend event for business leaders, economists, and professionals who want to:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of China's economic outlook and its global implications.
  • Learn from one of the most respected economists in the field.
  • Network with like-minded professionals from the Nordic and international business communities.

About the Speaker

Tuuli Koivu | Chief Economist at Nordea

Tuuli Koivu is a passionate follower of the world economy. She never gets bored when analyzing the complex relationships between monetary policy, financial sector and economic growth. At Nordea, she concentrates on monitoring developments in the Euro area and the ECB monetary policy.

Tuuli Koivu holds a PhD in Economics and she has a long background studying both advanced and emerging economies at the Bank of Finland and the European Central Bank. She has a deep interest on the Chinese economy on which she did research for almost a decade. More recently, she used to work on the banking sector regulation and its impacts on the real economy.

About the Moderator

Xin Song | Founder of Sinnvoll Consulting, Columnist for Financial Times Chines, Former China Policy Advisor at the European Parliament

Ms Song Xin graduated from École Normale Supérieure de Lyon and Sciences Po de Lyon in France. She used to serve as a China policy advisor at the European Parliament. She has also worked as a researcher at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, the Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg and the University of Helsinki. She is fluent in several languages, including Mandarin, English, French and German.

About Nordea China

Nordea has maintained a presence in Shanghai since 2008, with a primary focus on assisting Nordea customers in their activities within mainland China. The branch aims to support and advance Nordea's international business endeavors while gaining valuable insight into the Chinese market.

Cancellation Policy

If you cannot attend an event for which you have registered, please cancel your registration no later than three business day prior to the event. If you fail to notify us of your cancellation in a timely fashion, you will be charged for the event costs.




8:30 AM – 10:00 AM, March 13th, 2025


New Bookstore, Building A, Cultural and Creative Park No. 56, Dongwai, Dongzhimenwai Xiejie, Chaoyang District, Beijing



Member RMB 150 / Non-Member RMB 250



欢迎参加由中国丹麦商会、中国瑞典商会、中国芬兰商会和中国挪威商会在北京联合举办的北欧商会线下研讨会。本次研讨会特邀北欧联合银行(Nordea)首席经济学家Tuuli Koivu,为您带来一场关于中国经济展望的深度解读。这是一个了解中国经济现状与未来趋势及其对全球市场影响的绝佳机会。



  • 深入了解中国经济展望及其全球影响;
  • 聆听来自顶尖经济学家的专业见解;
  • 与来自北欧及国际商业界的同行建立联系。





  • Members Price

    RMB 150

    For members and partners of the Danish Chamber of Commerce

    Buy Ticket
  • Non member price

    RMB 250

    Buy Ticket

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