DCCC is inviting our members to attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in South/Guangzhou, where we evaluate the work of 2024 and elect the Board of Directors for 2025.

The AGM will take place on 28 March, 3:30pm-5pm, at the Royal Danish Consulate General in Guangzhou.

Event Details:

  • Exclusive to DCCC members, associates, and invitees. Please be aware that attendance is only allowed in person.
  • Corporate members: Up to 2 representatives attend free of charge
  • For members: Keen to lead and make an impact in DCCC? Seize the chance to run for the board! Please find the Board Application Form 2025_South on the event page. Kindly fill it out and return it to anna@dccc.com.cn by March 13rd.
  • For members: Unable to attend in person? Please find the DCCC Proxy Form 2025_South on the event page. Kindly fill it out and return it to anna@dccc.com.cn by March 20th.


  • Honorary Speaker: Søren Bindesbøll, Consul General, The Royal Danish Consulate General in Guangzhou
  • Keynote Speaker: Heidi Berg, Sustainability Director at DI China

ABOUT the Discussion

Join us for an engaging discussion with Heidi Berg, the Sustainability Director at DI China. Heidi will delve into the trends in sustainability and reporting in China. She will also explore the trends observed in the EU and shed light on the challenges that Danish companies face when exporting to the EU, both currently and in the future. This discussion will offer valuable insights for businesses looking to navigate the complex intersection of sustainability, reporting, and international trade dynamics.

ABOUT Heidi Berg

Heidi Berg, Sustainability Director at DI China

Ms. Heidi Berg is leading the work at the Danish Confederation of Industries China office developing and delivering ESG services for local Chinese operations, connecting to European regulations and customer demands. She has worked with projects related to sustainability and ESG over the last fourteen years, both in Europe, Africa, South Asia and China. Her experience includes investment projects in renewable energy and sustainable agriculture, financial inclusion, textile industry and low emission real estate. She is a highly recognized keynote speaker, lecturer and discussion facilitator. Heidi Berg holds a master's degree in international management with specialization in finance and is a certified sustainability professional by the global leading ESG reporting framework GRI.

Please register on this page.

From all of us in the DCCC Board and Secretariat in South China - we are looking forward to the Annual General Meeting 2025.

中国丹麦商会 (DCCC) 邀请我们的南部会员参加在广州举行的南区分会年度理事大会 (AGM),回顾一起走过的2024年,并选举 2025年理事会。

本次年度理事大会为线下会议,时间为2024年3月28日 3:30pm-5:00pm,地点为丹麦王国驻广州总领事馆


  • 本次活动仅对中国丹麦商会会员、合作伙伴及受邀嘉宾开放。请注意,本次活动仅接受现场参会。
  • 企业会员:最多可免费派 2 名代表参会。
  • 仅限会员:有志于在丹麦中国商会有所作为并发挥领导作用吗?抓住机会竞选董事会成员吧!在活动页面找到Board Application Form 2025_South,填写后于3月13日前发送至 anna@dccc.com.cn。
  • 仅限会员:如果您无法亲自参会,请在活动页面找到DCCC Proxy Form 2025_South。填写表格,并于3月20日前发送至 anna@dccc.com.cn。

DCCC 理事会和秘书处团队期待在 2025 年年度大会上与您相见!


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