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As a typical business contract, the purchase contract can be a one-page order or a complex one with hundreds of pages, while the contents can be varied but always contain the basic terms and conditions.

From the contract review and negotiation to contract performance, we find important risks that are often ignored, resulting in disputes in the practice. Due to the ambiguity of contract terms, the parties would have different interpretations. How to grasp the key points quickly in contract negotiation and concentrate on the negotiation of core terms? In a practice-oriented view, we will share our experiences in the litigations and arbitrations handled by us, analyze the risks that often occur, and provide our advices.

In addition, contract management includes the processes such as contract preparation, review and approval, countersigning, performance. In practice, it is not uncommon to see problems during the contract approval process, inspection, payment approval procedure due to poor management. In this regard, we will also share our experiences by presenting the cases we dealt with.




Event Details | 活动详情

Date: April 14th 2023

Time: 2pm - 4pm (CN)

Speaker: Zhong Yuan, Senior Associate, Lawyer, Shaohe Law Firm

Location: Shanghai

Venue: Offline at 10F Jin Mao Tower, 88 Century Avenue

Language: Chinese

Participants: DCCC Members only

Ticket: Free

日期与时间: 2023年4月14日 中国时间下午2-4点

特邀讲师: 劭合律师事务所 资深律师 钟橼

地点: 上海

场所: 上海市世纪大道88号金茂大厦10层

语言: 中文

面向人群: 仅限DCCC会员, 会员免费



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