This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Danish Chamber of Commerce in China events.

This webinar is a part of the Greener Together: China-Nordic Dialogue on Carbon Neutralitycampaign organised in collaboration with DCCC, FinnCham and the Norwegian Business Association, and supported by the Danish Chinese Business Forum in Denmark.

One-fifth of the world's carbon emissions come from the manufacturing and production sectors. Determining a product's carbon footprint helps benchmark decarbonizations efforts but is also challenging due to a lack of data transparency. There are many ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the industrial sector, including energy efficiency, fuel switching, combined heat and power, use of renewable energy, and the more efficient use and recycling of materials.

In this webinar, we are honored to invite two experts to share their solutions for manufacturing industry--Chuanhua Lu, Director of DCS in Danfoss and Michael Li, General Manager, Solutions Development in Wartsila China. We can learn ESG strategy and practice at Lighthouse factory Danfoss CC and also how Wartsila's solution copes with renewables to increase end user's green energy usage. Danfoss and Wartsila have been in China market for a while with their novel technologies.

There will be Q&A session at the end.



本次研讨会上,我们有幸邀请到两位专家来分享他们在制造业领域针对这些问题地解决方案,分别是来自丹佛斯气候方案事业部总监Chuanhua Lu, 以及来自瓦锡兰中国解决方案开发部总经理Michael Li。我们可以了解到环境、社会和治理方面在丹佛斯"灯塔工厂"的策略和实施;以及瓦锡兰针对通过可再生能源而增加最终使用者绿色能源利用率的解决方案。近些年丹佛斯和瓦锡兰凭借他们的新型技术已经成功地进入到中国市场。


Event Details | 活动详情

Date: April 18th 2023

Time: 3pm - 4pm (CN)

Venue: Online Teams Meeting. The link will be sent through email before the event.

Speakers: Chuanhua Lu, Director of DCS, Danfoss; Michael Li, General Manager, Wartsila China.

Language: English

Tickets: Free for members; Non-members price: RMB150

日期与时间: 2023年4月18日 中国时间下午3 - 4点

场所: 线上Teams会议。会议链接将会在活动前通过邮箱发送给您。

演讲嘉宾: Chuanhua Lu, 丹佛斯气候方案事业部总监; Michael Li, 瓦锡兰中国解决方案开发部总经理

语言: 英语

门票: 会员免费; 非会员人民币150元



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