This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Danish Chamber of Commerce in China events.

On Monday, 24th April, we are pleased to invite Lone Bjerge Brandborg, Vice President, China Drug Development and Kelly Wang, Director People & Communications, both from Lundbeck to share the trends in the Nordic life-science sector in China and their foreseeable development plans for coming years. And if you are recently starting your career, or looking into new opportunities in life-science industry, we will also have an HR focused forum, the traits, ability, background and experience they look for when recruiting, how it is like to work with Lundbeck, and what you can expect to be a part of the innovative corporate.

Join us for the useful insights and direct experience share from an employer, or simply build and expand your network in the life-science related areas with your Danish alumni.

This event is organised together with ICDK and their Chinese-Danish Alumni Network.

About ICDK

Innovation Centre Denmark is a collaboration between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Higher Education and Science of Denmark. ICDK is located in seven innovation regions, chosen for their relevance for Danish businesses, researchers, and institutions of higher education. ICDK Shanghai is located at the Danish Consulate General in Shanghai.

About the Chinese-Danish Alumni Network

The Chinese-Danish Alumni Network is a group that was established by Innovation Centre Denmark Shanghai (located at the Danish Consulate General in Shanghai). There are approximately 800 members in the group, who are mainly Denmark educated Chinese students. The group is in regular communication about developments in innovation and news related to Denmark, and knowledge-related events on a wide variety of topics.

在4月24日这天,我们很高兴邀请到灵北中国药物开发副总裁Lone Bjerge Brandborg和人力资源与企业传播总监Kelly Wang分享中国北欧生命科学领域的发展趋势以及他们在未来几年中可预见的发展计划。如果您最近在思考职业规划,或者在寻找生命科学行业的新机会,我们还将提供一个以人力资源为重点的论坛会,包括在灵北招聘过程中所希望寻找的特征、能力、背景和经验,与灵北合作的模式,以及您成为创新企业的一员后可以期望些什么。







Event Details | 活动详情

Date: April 24th 2023

Time: 6pm - 9pm (CN)

Topic: Life Science Trends & HR in China

Speakers: Lone Bjerge Brandborg, Vice President, China Drug Development & Head of RDPAC R&D, Lundbeck; Kelly Wang, Director People & Communications, Lundbeck

Venue: Lundbeck Office, F12, Building A, Parkview Green, No.9 Dongdaqiao Road, Beijing

Participants: ICDK Chinese-Danish Alumni Network and DCCC members only

Ticket: Free of charge, Includes light dinner and drinks.

Cancellation Policy: If you can't make it, please make sure to cancel your registration latest 72 hours prior to open the spot for someone else.

日期与时间: 2023年4月24日 中国时间下午6点 - 晚上9点

主题: 生命科学的趋势以及人力资源

演讲嘉宾: 灵北中国药物开发副总裁 Lone Bjerge Brandborg;灵北中国人力资源与企业传播总监 Kelly Wang

场所: 北京市东大桥路9号侨福芳草地A座12层

面向人群: 仅限丹麦上海科技创业中心中丹校友群成员以及DCCC会员

门票: 免费,包含简餐及饮品

取消政策: 如您不能出席已注册的活动,请您最晚于活动前72小时内取消



  • DCCC Members (Sold Out)


    For DCCC members and partners

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  • ICDK Chinese - Danish Alumni (Sold Out)


    For ICDK Chinese - Danish Alumni Network members

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