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The DCCC is pleased to invite you to the Hybrid Finance Workgroup Seminar and we are very honored to invite Kathy Sun, Senior Finance Manager of Integra Group. She will share 'Tax update for SMEs in China'. It covers the following topics:

中国丹麦商会在此诚邀您参加商会的财务工作组线上线下同步研讨会,我们非常荣幸地邀请了协曈集团高级财务经理 孙志英,给大家带来中国中小企业税务讲座。本次分享主题如下:

To reduce the impact of COVID-19 on China's SMEs, the Chinese government has been continuously implementing tax relief and stimulus to prop up the economy. We will summarize the current policy and the new announcements of the past year (May 2022-May 2023). Business may find more opportunities related to growing their business.


Event Outline | 活动大纲

  • Tax systems & Credit Systems in China
  • 中国的税收制度和信用体系制度
  • Current tax Incentives in China for SMEs
  • 中国现行中小企业税收优惠政策
  • Other tax update
  • 其他税收政策更新
  • Q&A
  • 问答环节

About Integra Group

Integra Group is an established provider of company secretarial, accounting, tax, HR, and financial advisory services in China. With offices and local experts in Shanghai, Beijing, Taipei, Singapore, and Hong Kong, we are prepared to deliver meaningful and actionable solutions that help our clients succeed in their industry.

Our cross-border teams of accounting, tax and business advisory professionals work hand-in-hand with businesses to provide them the resources and local 'know-how' to go further with confidence.

Our clients include Fortune 500 companies and small- and medium-sized enterprises spanning a wide range of industries including, retail, manufacturing, innovation, trade, food and beverage, and fashion. Our personalized approach helps us find solutions that meet our clients specific needs including their unique regulatory, business, cultural and language requirements.


协曈集团是中国公认的公司秘书服务,会计,税务,人力资源和财务咨询服务的咨询公司。在上海、北京、台北、新加坡和香港设有办事处和丰富的本土专家资源,时刻做好准备为我们的客户提供有意义的、操作性强的解决方案,帮助他们在行业中取得成功。我们专业的跨境团队(会计、税务和商业咨询)与企业共同合作,为他们提供资源和本土专业知识,为他们的企业发展增强保障。我们的客户从财富 500 强公司和中小型企业,涵盖零售业、制造业、创新领域、贸易、食品和饮料以及时尚业等。我们的个性化方案帮助我们实现满足针对不同客户不同需求的解决方案,其中包括独特的监管、业务、文化和语言要求。

Event Details | 活动详情

Date: May 19th 2023 | 2023年5月19日

Time: 2pm - 3:30pm (CN) | 中国时间下午2:00 - 3:30

Speaker: Kathy Sun, Senior Finance Manager of Integra Group | 协曈集团高级财务经理 孙志英

Location: Beijing | 北京

Venue: Hybrid | 线上线下同步进行

Offline at China-Nordic Innovation Hub | 线下 中国北欧创新联合体

Online Meeting. The link will be sent via email one day before the event. | 线上会议,链接将在活动前一天通过邮件发送给您。

Address: B1, One Center Innovation Building A, No.51 Hepingli West Street, Dongcheng District | 北京市东城区和平里西街51号壹中心A座B1层

Language: Chinese | 中文

Participants: DCCC Members only. Free for members. | 仅限DCCC会员,会员免费



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