This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Danish Chamber of Commerce in China events.

Learn from thought leaders and innovators in the industry, and gain ideas, insights, and best practices which you can adapt into your organization. Join us on our factory tour to two Danish giants in China, Novo Nordisk and Vestas Wind Technology Co., Ltd. generator factory. You will be welcomed and briefed on their current business, strategy in China, best practices and a guided tour of the factories. After the factory tours, we will head to Four Seasons in Tianjin for a canapees and cocktails reception, kicked off with a brief presentation by TEDA, one of the earliest economic zones in China to attract Danish companies, such as Novo Nordisk, Vestas Wind Technology Co., Ltd. generator factory, Novozymes, CUBIC and more, in their industrial hub Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area.

Due to safety reasons, we will be able to accommodate 20 visitors on this tour, first come first serve.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Tianjin!

加入我们的天津工厂参观之旅,向行业意见与创新领袖学习,并有机会交流想法、见解和习得最佳实践经验,并应用到您的企业机构中。本次行程,我们将参观两家在华丹麦巨头:诺和诺德中国制药有限公司和维斯塔斯风力技术(中国)有限公司发电机工厂 。相关负责人将分享企业介绍,简要介绍他们目前的业务、在中国的战略及实践经验。在工厂参观结束后,我们将前往四季酒店,我们为您准备了鸡尾酒与小食。届时,天津泰达经济技术开发区为您带来简单分享。作为国务院批复首批国家级开发区之一,天津泰达经济技术开发区吸引了众多丹麦企业入驻,包括我们拜访的诺和诺德中国制药有限公司、维斯塔斯风力技术(中国)有限公司发电机工厂、诺维信、科比电气系统(天津)有限公司等。


Agenda | 活动流程

  • 12pm: Set off at King Wing Hotel parking area, Beijing (No.17 South Road of East 3rd Ring Circle, Chaoyang District)

  • 2pm: Arrive at Novo Nordisk (No.99 Nanhai Road, Binhai New Area, Tianjin)

-- 2pm - 2:15pm: Introduction of Novo Nordisk by Lars Arnoldsen, Corporate Vice President of Novo Nordisk

-- 2:15pm - 3:30pm: Tour of Novo Nordisk

  • 3:30pm - 4pm: Transportation to Vestas Wind Technology Co., Ltd. generator factory

  • 4pm: Arrive at Vestas Wind Technology Co., Ltd. generator factory(No.8 XinYeYi Street, West Part, Economic Development Zone, Tianjin)

-- 4pm - 4:15pm: Introduction of Vestas by Wendy Wang, Vice President, China General Manager, Head of Regional Manufacturing Internal APAC and Li Chong, GA Head

-- 4:15pm - 5pm: Tour of Vestas Wind Technology Co., Ltd. generator factory

  • 5pm - 6pm: Transportation to Four Seasons (No.138 Chifeng Road, Heping District, Tianjin)

  • 6pm - 9pm: Networking, includes canapees and drinks

  • 9pm - 11pm: Back to King Wing Hotel parking area

  • 中午12点 - 2点:在京瑞大厦停车场集合(朝阳区东三环南路17号),乘车前往诺和诺德中国制药有限公司(天津市滨海新区南海路99号),含简餐
  • 下午2点 - 3点半:诺和诺德中国制药有限公司:全球企业副总裁兼天津生产厂总裁安诺生进行简要介绍+工厂参观
  • 下午3点半 - 4点:乘车前往维斯塔斯风力技术(中国)有限公司发电机工厂(天津市经开区西区新业一街8号)
  • 下午4点 - 5点:维斯塔斯风力技术(中国)有限公司发电机工厂 :副总裁、中国总经理、亚太区内部制造负责人王淑丽和政府事务负责人李冲进行简要介绍+工厂参观
  • 下午5点 - 6点:乘车前往天津四季酒店(天津市和平区赤峰道138号)
  • 下午6点 - 9点:社交活动(包括开胃小食和饮品)
  • 晚上9点 - 11点:返京至京瑞大厦停车场(朝阳区东三环南路17号)

Event Details | 活动详情

Date: May 25th 2023 | 2023年5月25日

Time: 12pm - 11pm (CN) | 中国时间中午12点 - 晚上11点

Location: Tianjin | 天津

Participants: DCCC members and specially invited guests only | 仅限DCCC会员以及特邀嘉宾


  • Tour and networking: RMB 585, includes transportation, light lunch, canapees and cocktails. | 全天活动:人民币585元,含交通费、简午餐以及开胃小食和鸡尾酒
  • Networking only: RMB 350, includes canapees and cocktails only. | 仅社交活动:人民币350元,仅含开胃小食和鸡尾酒


  • Tour and networking: 20 | 工厂参观及社交:最多20人
  • Networking only: No limits | 仅四季酒店的社交活动:无限制

NB: The deadline for registration is May 18th, Thursday. | 报名截止日期为5月18日。

Important Information:

  • For safety protocol, please wear long trousers and flat shoes with toe and heel cover
  • Should you have any issues on the day, please feel free to reach out to Anna on 13552757301
  • For cancellation, please let us know latest May 19 on

  • 为了您的安全,活动当天请选择长裤和包脚平底鞋出行
  • 如您在活动当天有任何问题,请致电Anna: 13552757301
  • 如您需取消已注册的活动,请在5月19日前告知我们,发送邮件至:

About Novo Nordisk | 关于诺和诺德

Novo Nordisk is a global healthcare company, founded in 1923 and headquartered just outside Copenhagen, Denmark. With more than 50,000 employees in 80 offices around the world, Novo Nordisk is marketing products in 170 countries.


About Vestas | 关于维斯塔斯

With a vision to become the global leader in sustainable energy solutions, Vestas and its 29,000 employees help to create a better world by designing, manufacturing, installing, developing, and servicing wind energy and hybrid projects all over the world. With more than 40 years of experience in wind energy, Vestas has installed +164 GW of wind turbines installed in 88 countries.


About TEDA | 关于泰达

TEDA (Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area) is one of the first State -level Industrial Development areas approved by the State Council in 1984. Over the years, TEDA has been committed to prospering the city with production, has attracted global and domestic leading enterprises in various industries, such as information technology, new materials, medicine and health, and modern service industries.

天津经济技术开发区(Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area,缩写为TEDA,音译为"泰达"),是1984年由国务院批复的全国首批国家级开发区之一。多年来,天津泰达始终致力于以产兴城、以城促产、以业聚人,产城融合发展,吸引了包括汽车及高端装备、新一代信息技术、化工新材料、医药健康、现代服务业等多个产业的全球与国内头部企业。


  • Members Price

    RMB 585

    For members and partners of the Danish Chamber of Commerce

    Buy Ticket
  • Members Price (Networking Only)

    RMB 350

    For members and partners of the Danish Chamber of Commerce

    Buy Ticket

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DCCC All China Members

Gold Associates