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With the promulgation of the Cyber Security Law, Data Security Law, Personal Information Protection Law and other laws and regulations, China has gradually established a legal framework for cyber security, data protection and personal information protection. How to deal with complex legal requirements and an increasingly strict regulatory environment is a new challenge faced by multinational companies doing business in/with China.


The DCCC is pleased to invite you to the Legal Workgroup Webinar and we are honored to invite Mr. Samuel Yang, the partner of Anjie Law Firm. He will explain the issues and challenges faced by multinational companies and countermeasures they should take, with the theme of " How Should Multinational Companies Respond to The Challenges Of China's Data Protection Laws ", combining with the rich experience of AnJie Law Firm in serving multinational companies in these areas.


  • Characteristics and difficulties of data compliance work in multinational companies
  • 跨国公司数据合规工作的特点和难点
  • Compliance paths for data localization and cross-border data transmission
  • 数据本地化和数据跨境传输的合规路径
  • Practical experience of assisting multinational companies in establishing data protection compliance framework
  • 跨国公司建设数据合规体系实务经验分享
  • Different data compliance work strategies of ToB and ToC companies
  • ToB和ToC公司不同的数据合规工作思路

Event Details:

Date: Monday, 18 July, 2022


Time: 14:00-16:00 PM


Language: Chinese


Price: Free (Only for Members)


Note: Zoom meeting link will be shared with the participants by email on July 15, 2022.





All-China Member

Gold Associates