This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Danish Chamber of Commerce in China events.


The Cyberspace Administration of China ("CAC") and others have recently issued a series of regulations, draft regulations and guidelines that will change the cross-border data transfer regulatory environment in China.

As a result of these new regulations and guidelines, we have received many enquiries from our members, who wish to know how the new regulations and guidelines will affect their business in/with China.


We have invited Samuel Yang, Partner of AnJie Law Firm, to share his thoughts and advice to us in this regard. Samuel will bring

  • An overview of the recent changes taking place in relation to Chinese cross-border data transfer regulations.
  • How to choose from the different legal mechanisms for cross-border data transfers:
  • Cross-border data transfer security assessments by the CAC;
  • Standard Contracts for cross-border data transfers; and
  • Certification for cross-border data transfers.
  • Security assessments by the CAC: Key things that you should know to prepare your submission documents

Samuel leads the Technology, Data Protection & Cyber Security practice in AnJie. He has worked as in-house counsel and external lawyer in the Technology, Media, and Telecom (TMT) sectors for nearly 20 years and is regarded as a true expert in these areas. Samuel advises clients on a wide range of regulatory, commercial, and corporate matters, especially in the areas of telecommunications, cyber security, data protection, Internet, social networking, hardware and software, technology procurement and transfer, distribution and licensing, and other technology-related matters.

Event Details

Date: Tuesday 20th September 3:00pm - 4:00pm (Beijing Time)

Speaker: Samuel Yang, Partner of AnJie Law Firm

Language: English

Ticket: Free for Members, RMB 150 for Non-members

Venue: Online via Teams.

Teams link will be shared via email before event.



我们荣幸地邀请到了Samuel Yang, 安杰律师事务所合伙人,来为我们分享他的想法和建议,内容包括:

  • 概述中国跨境数据传输法规最近发生的变化;
  • 如何选择跨境数据传输的不同法律机制:
  • 由CAC进行的跨境数据传输安全评估;
  • 跨境数据传输标准合同;和
  • 跨境数据传输认证。
  • CAC的安全评估:准备提交文件时应了解的关键事项。




分享嘉宾:Samuel Yang, 安杰律师事务所合伙人






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