This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Danish Chamber of Commerce in China events.

IT'S FINALLY TIME! 就是现在,机不可失哦!

Sign up now for the legendary DCCC "Danish Summer Night" dinner party on September 23 @The Embassy of the Kingdom of Denmark in Beijing's beautiful courtyard! Tickets are limited, so be sure not to miss out on this long-awaited opportunity to meet old and new friends of the Danish business community in China!


DCCC would like to extend a warm thanks to our sponsors for the night: Danfoss, Georg Jensen, Novo Nordisk, Coloplast, Maersk for their tremendous support in this year's event.

我们在此诚挚地感谢本次活动的主要赞助商: 丹佛斯、乔治杰生、诺和诺德、康乐保、马士基。因为有他们的大力支持,我们才有别样的丹麦仲夏夜派对。

2022 has been a strange year, thus far. Fortunately, things are looking better in Beijing, which is why the Danish Chamber of Commerce in China is happy to invite you to our annual summer party, to continue a beloved tradition which spans more than two decades.


Grab your family, friends and colleagues, and join for a festive evening with a delicious Danish-inspired menu concocted by the talented chefs at Four Seasons Hotel.


True to our tradition, we will start the evening with champagne and end with a Danish hotdog. The the menu includes savory BBQ, but we are also excited to present smørrebrød, Danish meatballs, potato salad and Danish dessert classics, and much, much more.. yummy!


In addition to the delicious food, there will of course be a free flow of drinks for all attending. Skål!


To guarantee a festive vibe throughout the evening, and to make it an even more unforgettable night, we have invited local musicians from legendary party bands. They will be sure to set the mood and invite everyone to put on their dancing shoes, show their best moves on the dance floor under the open sky, and dance the night away.


Join us for an unforgettable "Danish Summer Night" on September 23!


Event details | 活动详情

Date | 日期

Friday, September 23 from 17:30 - Midnight

星期五,9月23号,17:30 - 午夜

Program | 活动流程

  • 5.30pm - 6.30pm: Doors Open
  • Until 6.30pm: Champagne & Caviar
  • 6.45pm: Welcome by Ambassador Thomas Østrup Møller and DCCC Chairman Simon Lichtenberg
  • 7 pm: Danish BBQ Dinner with free flow of drinks
  • 8 pm: Words from our Gold Sponsors
  • 8.45pm: Cocktail bar opens
  • 9 pm: Live music by some of Beijing's best disco and rock and roll band: Back Seat Bingo
  • 11 pm: Hot Dogs
  • Midnight: Thank you for this year

  • 5.30pm - 6.30pm: 签到和欢迎酒会(香槟和鱼子酱)
  • 6.45pm: 欢迎辞—— 丹麦王国驻华大使马磊先生、中国丹麦商会会长李曦萌先生
  • 7pm: 丹麦烧烤晚餐、酒水畅饮
  • 8pm: 活动金牌赞助致辞
  • 8.45pm: 鸡尾酒供应
  • 9pm: 北京最棒的迪斯科和摇滚乐队的演出——Back Seat Bingo
  • 11pm: 丹麦热狗
  • Midnight: 活动结束

Venue | 地点

Embassy of the Kingdom of Denmark, 1 Dong Wu Jie, San Li Tun, Beijing, China

丹麦王国驻华大使馆,中国北京市朝阳区 三里屯东五街1号

Tickets | 票价

Early Bird- Member ticket: RMB 575

The first 60 tickets are early bird tickets and for members only, make sure to sign up quickly!

Regular Member Ticket: RMB 675

Regular Non-Member Ticket: RMB 775 (available from Monday 22nd August)

Table Price (12 guests per table): RMB 6600 (limited amount available)

会员早鸟价格: 人民币575元



非会员全价:人民币775元 (8月22日开售)



The "Danish Summer Party" is an annual event, which has been held in the Embassy of the Kingdom of Denmark's courtyard since 1998. The event is testimony to the good relationship between the Embassy of the Kingdom of Denmark and the Danish business community. Held in the evening during the long summer nights, it is quintessentially Danish and represents what is best about Danish culture such as the values of hygge, community, family and tradition. Here 23 years later we have invited Four Seasons Hotel to concoct a wonderful Danish menu of smørrebrød, BBQ and desserts, of course accompanied by the best Danish inspired cocktails and Beer.



The number of Danes in Beijing until the early 1990's was very limited. So limited were the number of Danes, that most people knew each other by their first name. The Danish Embassy became a natural gathering place for the Danish community. By 1995 the community had grown large and in the meanwhile the Danish Embassy in Beijing had expanded at great speed (it is today the largest Diplomatic Representation in the World). Business flourished and the subsequent years from 1995-2010 would see a rapid inflow of Danish investment and company establishments bringing with it Danish employees. The precursor to DCCC – the Danish Business Association was established in 1996 and to meet high demand, a Trade Section at the Embassy was established in 1997. The first Danish Summer Party was held in the spectacular premises of the Royal Danish Embassy Courtyard in 1998. Musicians from Beijing's vibrant music scene were invited and Carlsberg on tap was served to thirsty community members. The event has since become a yearly highlight on the social and business calendar, welcoming new arrivals to the Danish business community and welcoming back Danish company employees to a new busy season. True demonstration to the ongoing crucial partnership between the Embassy, the Danish Chamber of Commerce and its Membership.

直到1990年代初期,在北京的丹麦人数量很少。正因为人数很少,所以大家基本上都互相认识。丹麦王国驻华大使馆自然就成为了丹麦社区的聚集地。到了1995年,丹麦社区规模增大了很多,与此同时,丹麦王国驻华大使馆也得到了迅速发展(它至今仍是丹麦在全世界上最大的外交机构)。从1995年至2010年,在华的丹麦商业发展达到井喷期,许许多多丹麦投资机构和公司迅速进入中国市场,很多丹麦员工也来到中国工作和生活。 1996年中国丹麦商会的前身-丹麦商业协会正式成立。为了满足更高的商业发展的需求,大使馆于1997年专门设立了贸易处。1998年,首届丹麦盛夏派对在丹麦王国驻华大使馆庭院隆重举行,邀请了来自北京的音乐家为派对演奏,派对酒水由嘉士伯赞助供大家畅饮。自此之后,该活动就成为商会社交和商务日历上的年度亮点,是一年一度欢迎丹麦商界的新人以及欢迎丹麦公司员工回归工作节奏的开始,有力地见证了丹麦王国驻华大使馆,中国丹麦商会及会员之间持续的重要伙伴关系。

With the official establishment of the DCCC in 2000, this has become a fixed annual tradition where the Embassy Trade Council and the Danish Chamber of Commerce in China collaborate in hosting this event.


Sponsorship Opportunities | 中国丹麦商会诚邀赞助商:

Interested in sponsoring our Danish Summer Night or future events, and get exposure to the Danish business community in China – or perhaps become a part of the Chamber? Please contact us at


Sponsors and Partners


DCCC All China Member

DCCC Gold Associates
