This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Danish Chamber of Commerce in China events.

With the availability of AI-powered Adaptive Learning, we can now rethink how we want to develop our organization. For the first time, we can use technology to upskill an entire group of people and have everyone receive the personal attention they need. The need for this technology has been further accelerated by the effects of COVID-19, especially in relation to China, where travel restrictions and closed borders have caused barriers relating to knowledge transfer across borders.

In this webinar, Khurram Jamil, Co-founder & President of Strategic Initiatives at Area9 Lyceum will introduce the concept of adaptive learning for workforces and explore how this technology for example can be used to ensure that workers build adequate product knowledge. Furthermore, Khurram will go through case examples of companies where the technology is applied, such as Audi and Lockheed Martin. Starting last year, companies with teams in China can use Area9's technology thanks to local cloud hosting and support.

Join the webinar to explore how the technology will help ensure your learning organization is ready for the next decades.


我们有幸邀请到了 Khurram Jamil, Co-founder & President of Strategic Initiatives at Area9 Lyceum,来介绍介绍适应性学习的概念,并探讨如何利用这项技术来确保员工掌握足够的产品知识。此外,Khurram还将介绍应用该技术的公司的案例,如奥迪和洛克希德马丁。从去年开始, 他们运用本地云托管和支持,让中国的团队可以使用Area9的技术。


Event Details

Date: Tuesday 27 September

Time: 3:00pm - 4:00pm (Beijing Time)

Speaker: Khurram Jamil, Co-founder & President of Strategic Initiatives at Area9 Lyceum

Ticket: Free for members, RMB 100 for non-members

Language: English

Location: Online via Teams. Teams link will be sent out to participants before the event.



嘉宾: Khurram Jamil, Co-founder & President of Strategic Initiatives at Area9 Lyceum



活动地点:线上Teams会议。Teams 链接将在活动前发给参加者

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    RMB 150

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