This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Danish Chamber of Commerce in China events.

Unpacking and Navigating Opportunities 打开机遇蓝图

In the most recent RE100 annual report, China (along with Japan, South Korea and Singapore) is cited as one of the more challenging markets for procuring renewable electricity. However, along with challenges come opportunities for those companies who are willing to move ahead and overcome the barriers and show climate leadership in these markets.

在最新的 RE100 年度报告中,中国(以及日本、韩国和新加坡)被视为采购可再生电力最具挑战性的市场之一。然而,对于愿意继续前进、克服障碍并在这些市场中展现气候领导力的公司来说,挑战与机遇并存。

DCCC invites you to join this webinar to get up to speed on and navigate the current market trends of renewable electricity sourcing in China. This session will shed light on the rapidly evolving landscape, offering valuable insights provided from a practical perspective based on South Pole's deep experience in supporting international clients to successfully source Renewable Electricity in China.

中国丹麦商会邀你参加本次网络研讨会,了解并掌握当前中国可再生电力采购的市场趋势。本次会议将揭示快速发展的格局,并基于South Pole在支持国际客户在中国成功采购可再生电力方面的丰富经验,从实践角度提供宝贵的见解。

Navigating the landscape of sourcing renewable electricity in China can be a complex endeavour, marked by emerging solutions and procurement structures. The dynamic nature of policy and regulation adds further complexity, continually reshaping the market and thereby requiring an agile approach to sourcing.


This focused discussion accompanied by opportunities for questions will cover topics like:


Current market trends, exploring recent key regulatory updates relevant to corporate sourcing of RE in China

• An analysis of how companies are currently navigating the market and sourcing RE (which solutions are currently the most popular, which are emerging, etc.)

• A deeper look at Green Electricity Certificates (GEC) which, in light of new regulations, are poised to shake up the Chinese Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) market

• The current status of Green Power Trading, touching upon retail and wholesale structures that allow companies to contract RE under mid-to-long term contracts

• 当前市场趋势,探索与中国企业稀土采购相关的最新关键监管更新;

• 分析公司目前如何开拓市场和采购可再生能源(哪些解决方案目前最受欢迎,哪些正在新兴,等等);

• 深入研究绿色电力证书(GEC),根据新法规,该证书将撼动中国能源属性证书(EAC)市场;

• 绿色电力交易的现状,涉及允许公司根据中长期合同签订可再生能源的零售和批发结构。

DATE & TIME | 日期时间

November 21, 2023, Tuesday | 2023年11月21日,星期二

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM (CN Time)

9:00 AM - 10:00 PM (DK Time)



Managing Consultant for Renewable Energy Solutions at South Pole


English | 英语

FEE | 费用

Members 会员: For free

Non-Members 非会员: RMB 150

VENUE | 地点

Online meeting (The link will be sent to you one day before the seminar)


  • Jingwei Zhong (Managing Consultant for Renewable Energy Solutions at South Pole)

    Jingwei Zhong

    Managing Consultant for Renewable Energy Solutions at South Pole

    More Information


  • Member price


    For Members and Associates of the Danish Chamber of Commerce

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  • Non member price

    RMB 150

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