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Value sales helps you stand out from the competitions and create long-term positive cooperation with clients. This course is tailored for key account salespeople, sales executives and large project sales people. It contains a full set of knowledge, methodology, tools and roadmaps to help you become a value seller.

The Danish Chamber of Commerce in China invites you to seize the chance to change the game and close more sales.

价值销售帮助您在竞争中脱颖而出,并与客户建立长期积极的合作关系。 本课程专为大客户销售人员、销售主管和大型项目销售人员量身定制, 包含了一套价值销售知识、工具与应用的培训,助您成为价值型销售。


[Target Trainees | 学员对象]

· Key Account Salespeople | 大客户销售人员

· Sales executives| 销售管理人员

· Large project salespeople | 大项目销售人员

【Requirements for Trainees | 学员报名要求】

· 4+ years of sales experience | 四年以上销售经验

· Possess the necessary professional knowledge and sales skills | 具有必须的专业知识与销售技能

· Strong interest in value selling | 对价值销售兴趣强烈

【Course Benefits | 课程收获】

Master the core concepts of value selling | 掌握价值销售的核心理念

Master the core process and key tasks of value selling | 掌握价值销售的核心过程和关键任务

Master the core tools of value selling | 掌握价值销售的核心工具

【Course Outline | 课程大纲】

Module 1: The concept of value selling

· What is value

· Strategies for value selling

· Requirements of value selling

· Data analysis ability

· Financial communication ability

· High-level communication skills

· Case Study: How to Sell Value


- 什么是价值

- 价值销售的策略

- 价值销售的要求

Module 2: The Process of Value Selling

· Value proposition

· What is value proposition

· value requirements

· Identifying Target Customers

· 360-degree customer survey

· Constructing a cost model of the problem

· Group exercise: listing the scope and elements of the survey

· Value Proposition

· Value Realisation

· Creating a Benefits Management Plan

· Ensuring Value Realisation

· Uncovering the need for value


- 价值主张

- 价值需求

- 价值定位

- 价值实现

Module 3: Key Tasks in Value Selling

Case study: list key selling tasks?

· Constructing a Cost of Problem Model

· Constructing a solution benefit model

· Communicating expected customer value

· Value-Based Win-Win Negotiations

· Value-Based Sales Appraisal

· Calculating Expected Value

· Presentation of Final Value

· Evaluation of the sales process

· Group exercise: Developing the content of the value presentation



- 构建问题成本模型与小组练习

- 构建方案收益模型与小组练习

- 沟通客户预期价值与小组练习

- 基于价值的双赢谈判

- 基于价值的销售评估与小组练习

Module 4: Tools for Value Selling

· High Level Visits

· ROI Calculation Tool


- 高层拜访与情景演练

- ROI 计算工具与情景演练

Module 5: How to Become a Value Seller

· Review the content and tools learned

· Roadmap to becoming a solution seller

· Develop a follow-up sales training plan

· Daily sales training tools


- 回顾所学的内容和工具

- 成为解决方案销售的路经

- 制定后续销售训练计划

- 日常的销售训练工具

DATE | 日期

Wednesday, 22nd November


TIME | 时间

9:00 am - 16:00 pm (China)

VENUE | 地点

Online via Teams | 在线Teams (链接将在课程前一天发送到您的邮箱)


Chinese | 中文

FEE | 费用

For members

RMB 2,000 / person if 1 attendee

RMB 1,850 / person if 2 attendees

RMB 1,700 / person if 3 attendees

For non-members

RMB 3,000 / person if 1 attendee

RMB 2,850 / person if 2 attendees

RMB 2,700 / person if 3 attendees


•Key Account Salespeople


•Sales executives


•Large project salespeople


TRAINER | 培训讲师

Haibo Zhan | 湛海波

Certified Trainer, Eddic Training Center



If you cannot attend an event for which you have registered, please cancel your registration no later than 3 business day prior to the event. If you fail to notify us of your cancellation in a timely fashion, you will be charged for the event costs.


Eddic training center (china) is a leading provider of enterprise-level training services. Founded in 2003, eddic currently has more than 800 instructors who focus on enterprise-level training area. The company has served for more than 3,500 companies with professional customized training solutions. Adhering to the concept of "value-added courses and innovative services", eddic provides training solutions for enterprises to cultivate talents.

易迪思(中国)培训中心是中国领先的企业级培训服务供应商,始创于2003年,目前机构 拥有超过800多位合作讲师,专注于企业级培训领域。目前总累计已为超过3500余家企业 提供定制化培训解决方案。

易迪思结合 17余年培训服务的经验,针对企业的管理实际,不断总结,形成了独具特 色的培训课程体系和咨询辅导系统。并且与国内外优秀企业、机构交流合作,开展 标杆学习、主题论坛、沙龙交流等特色服务,为企业管理者、学员搭建一个多 样化的学习平台。易迪思每年服务客户超过 1000 家,每年开办的展示课、 公开课、内训课超过 8000 场次,其中包括 300 余家全球 500 强的在华投资企业。



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