This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Danish Chamber of Commerce in China events.

Have you ever tried traditional Danish Christmas food in a nice and "hygge" setting? Now is your chance. 您是否在一个美好温馨又"hygge"的环境里尝试过传统丹麦圣诞菜肴呢?如果还没有,现在就是您体验丹麦式"hygge"的机会了。

This year, DCCC is happy to invite you to Christmas dinners all over China. If you are in Beijing - then this is the DCCC Christmas event for you!

Please note that this event is for Friday the 25th November. Should you wish to join on Saturday the 26th November, click here:



Ticket includes:

  • Warm Welcome Gløgg and Christmas cookies
  • Delicious traditional Danish Christmas buffet
  • Snaps
  • "Pakkeleg" - a Danish Christmas game
  • A chance to win a prize in the traditional Danish "almond Christmas game"


  • 欢迎圣诞热红酒与圣诞饼干
  • 美味的丹麦传统圣诞自助
  • 自制"丹麦白酒"
  • "Pakkeleg"丹麦圣诞游戏
  • 在传统丹麦"米布丁杏仁游戏"中吃到幸运杏仁并得奖的机会


  • White herrings w. curry salad (hvide sild med karrysalat)
  • Tomato herrings w. capers (Tomat sild med løg og kapers)
  • Fish filet w. remoulade (Lun fiskefilet med citron og remoulade)
  • Egg and shrimps (Æg og rejer)
  • Danish Meatballs w. cucumber salad (Frikadeller med agurkesalat)
  • Liverpate w. bacon (Lun leverpostej med bacon og agurkesalat)
  • Chicken salad (Hønsesalat med ananas)
  • Duck breast w. red cabbage and caramelised potatoes (Andebryst med rødkål og brune kartofler)
  • Roasted pork w. red cabbage and caramelised potatoes (Flæskesteg med rødkål og brune kartofler)
  • Bread and butter (brød og smør)
  • Rice pudding w. cherry sauce (Ris ala mande med kirsebærsauce)


  • 白鲱鱼配咖喱沙拉
  • 番茄鲱鱼配酸豆
  • 薄鱼排配调味蛋黄酱
  • 鸡蛋鲜虾
  • 丹麦肉丸配黄瓜沙拉
  • 肝酱培根
  • 鸡肉沙拉
  • 鸭胸肉
  • 烤猪肉
  • 鲜蔬沙拉及沙拉酱汁
  • 面包和黄油
  • 樱桃酱米布丁

This registration page is for November 25th.


We are much looking forward to see you for a lovely and festive evening in Beijing.


Buffet Menu


Sponsors and Partners


Event Sponsor

DCCC All China Members

Gold Associates