Registration will close November 22, 2024 at

Join us for an afternoon of insightful discussions with industry leaders, thought leaders, and top retail executives.

Gain valuable perspectives on the future of retail in China through dynamic panel discussions and interactive sessions.

This event is especially relevant to professionals working in retail, consumer goods, strategy, CX, marketing, or at the C-level.


  • Panel I: New 'New Retail'. This panel will explore the role of physical stores in a digital world, the impact of direct-to-consumer (D2C) on retail, strategies for cultivating customer loyalty, and the influence of social selling.
  • From Customer to User. Keynote address by Jacob Johansen, Author of "From Customer to User".
  • Panel II: Ready, Compliant, and Fit? Delve into the current retail landscape, including the status of China's retail scene, compliance regulations, logistics, tax compliance, and the key challenges and opportunities facing retailers.
  • Panel III: Hole-in-the-Wall or the Mall? Retail formats of the future. Discussing customer preferences, the effectiveness of standalone flagship stores versus mall locations, and the survival of independent retailers.
  • Panel IV: How MNC retailers can and must adapt to China. Exploring the necessary adjustments for multinational retailers in China's evolving retail environment and the potential lessons that the world can learn from Chinese retail.
  • Insight from IKEA: A conversation between Aleksey Efremov, VP of IKEA China, and Simon Lichtenberg, CEO of Trayton Furniture, about IKEA's initiatives to change retail and the world.
  • Networking Session: Connect and collaborate with industry peers over food by Azul and wine by Riverdale Fine Wines.

Join us for an afternoon of big ideas, bold strategies, and game-changing insights. You'll leave inspired, prepared, and connected to the people leading retail into tomorrow. Don't miss this opportunity to be part of the conversation that will define the next era of retail in China!





  • 小组讨论一:新"新零售"。这个小组将探讨实体店在数字世界中的角色、直接面向消费者(D2C)对零售业的影响、培养客户忠诚度的策略以及社交销售的影响力。
  • 从客户到用户。由《From Customer to User》的作者Jacob Johansen进行主题演讲。
  • 小组讨论二:准备就绪、合规且适应?深入探讨当前的零售格局,包括中国零售业的现状、合规规定、物流、税务合规以及零售商面临的主要挑战和机遇。
  • 小组讨论三:街边小店还是购物中心?未来的零售业态。讨论客户偏好、独立旗舰店与购物中心位置的有效性以及独立零售商的生存问题。
  • 小组讨论四:跨国零售商如何以及必须适应中国。探索跨国零售商在中国不断变化的零售环境中需要做出的必要调整,以及世界可以从中国零售业中学到的潜在经验。
  • 来自宜家的见解:宜家中国副总裁Aleksey Efremov与特雷通家具首席执行官Simon Lichtenberg之间的对话,探讨宜家改变零售和世界的举措。
  • 交流环节:与行业同行一起享用Azul提供的美食和Riverdale Fine Wines提供的葡萄酒,建立联系并开展合作。



  • Member Ticket

    RMB 450

    For member and partners of the Danish Chamber of Commerce

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  • Non-Member Ticket

    RMB 850

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