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The DCCC is happy to invite members to join a round table discussion event on Competitive Restriction and Protection of Business Secrets by DCCC partner Anjie Law Firm.

在目前商业激烈的竞争环境下,如果员工涉及了企业的商业秘密泄露,有可能对于企业是个毁灭性打击。对于此方面您的企业有相关的竞业限制吗? 我们从三个法律角度来看如何保护企业的商业秘密。在这两个小时的圆桌讨论中,中国丹麦商会非常荣幸的邀请到商会的合作伙伴安杰律师事务所的三位律师刘正赫,赵克峰和邹雯给各位讲解。我们希望邀请您企业的负责人事和法律的同事参加,我们也由衷的希望您可以带来实际案例与大家分享。

In today’s competitive business environment, employees can break an enterprise when it comes to business secrets protection. Do you have competitive restriction to protect your company secrets? While there are several legal measures that can be put in place for protection of business secrets, many companies have not put up sufficient protection. DCCC is pleased to invite our partner, Anjie Law Firm, with Lawyer Liu Zhenghe, Zhao Kefeng and Zouwen to give you insights into these measures and the importance of protecting your company secrets. For this round table discussion event we are happy to invite employees from HR and legal department or similar from your company to attend.

​会议详情:Event Details:
时间:星期二, 9月26日 14:00 - 16:30
Date: Tuesday, September 26th 14:00 - 16:30
地点: 安杰律师事务所 北京市朝阳区东方东路19号亮马桥外交办公大楼D1座19层
Venue: 19/F, Tower D1, Liangmaqiao Diplomatic Office Building, No.19 Dongfangdonglu, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Language: Chinese
价格: 免费/仅限会员
Price: Free, Members only

14:00 - 14:15 入场签到 Registration
14:15 - 16:00 劳动仲裁;不正当竞争诉讼;刑事讲座 Presentation
16:00 - 16:30 圆桌讨论 Q & A

Sep 26, 2017

2:00 PM - 4:30 PM GMT+8

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Tower D1, Liangmaqiao Diplomatic Office Building
19/F, Tower D1, Liangmaqiao Diplomatic Office Building, No.19 Dongfangdonglu, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Beijing, China

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