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DCCC and Beijing Postcards: Dashilan and Authentic Christmas Shopping

The DCCC is happy to once again invite members and friends to join us for a talk with Lars Ulrik from Beijing Postcards in his space in Dashilan. Since Christmas is sneaking up on us, mulled wine and snacks will be served, and there will be plenty of opportunities to find unique and authentic Christmas gifts in the area of Dashilan.

For hundreds of years the area of Dashilan was were you looked for inspiration. Tea, silk, lanterns, jade, porcelain and everything imaginable under heaven were traded here, where long drawn camel trains would bring in specialties from the provinces and the most exotic foreign goods. Today the area is part of “the Dashilan Project", which is an initiative that seeks to preserve the unique architecture of Dashilan and give the neighborhood new life by creating a platform for specialized boutique stores.

We will start off this cozy afternoon with hot mulled wine in the Beijing Postcards Public History Space, where we will hear about the history of the old shop fronts of the area told by Lars Ulrik from Beijing Postcards. Then we will visit some of themany shops and other projects in which we will meet both designers, long time residents, old brushmakers and much much more.This is your chance to find authentic souvenirs and unique Christmas gifts.

Event Details:
Time: 15:00 am -17:30 pm, December 3rd
Price: 150 RMB for members, 200 RMB for non-members (includes drinks and snacks as well as some small gifts)
Language: English
Venue: Beijing Postcards Public History Space, No.97 Yangmeizhu Xiejie, Xuanwu District. 北京卡片 杨梅竹斜街97号 宣武区100051

Dec 3, 2017

3:00 PM - 5:30 PM GMT+8

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Beijing Postcard's Public History Space
Yangmeizhu Xijie 97, Xuanwu District
Beijing, China

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  • Lars Ulrik Thom (Beijing Postcards)

    Lars Ulrik Thom

    Beijing Postcards

    Read Bio


Member Price
Door Price RMB 150
Non-Member Price
Door Price RMB 200