This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Danish Chamber of Commerce in China events.


DCCC together with the other Nordic Chambers are pleased to invite you to win-win Negotiation sales training in Chinese, Win-Win Negotiation Skills leads to a win-win scenario and outcome in our sales negotiations impact to the end.

To illuminate us on the topic, James Huang, who has extensive and wealthy knowledge of the topic, will do a presentation. The seminar will be interactive and practical. There will be a lunch buffet and coffee, tea, fruits served at this one day programe.

中国丹麦商会和其他北欧商会荣幸地邀请您参加此次的中文“双赢谈判技巧” 培训,共赢的销售谈判技巧会引领我们进入一个让双方满意的谈判模式以致达到预期的结果。



  • 清楚把握销售谈判的定义以及判定开始谈判的原则
  • 学习销售谈判的过程,认识谈判风格
  • 学习如何策划多种可行并增加双方满意度的谈判方案
  • 领会并掌握常用的四项谈判技巧 – 交换、附加利益、折衷和让步技巧有效控制谈判中步调和节奏
  • 学习如何处理销售谈判中经常出现的冲突、僵局和非常行为
  • 帮助提高销售业绩

  • 双赢销售谈判 -时机、准备、过程
  • 销售谈判的策划
  • 实施销售谈判
  • 处理销售谈判中的僵局和非建设性行为
  • 销售谈判实战角色演练
  • 行动计划

  • 在实际工作中,有效区分应该进行销售还是进行销售谈判
  • 正确建立双赢销售谈判目标和策略以及方案
  • 掌握专业销售谈判的方法和过程,灵活运用相关的谈判技巧
  • 有效提高地销售谈判效率

Event Details:

Venue: Radisson Blu, 2nd Floor, No.6A, East Road, North Three Ring Road, Chaoyang Distract.
Date: March 6th, Tuesday 09:30 - 16:30
Price: RMB 500 for members; RMB 800 for non-members ( Price includes: two coffee breaks and a Chinese & Western buffet lunch)
Language: Chinese
Contact: Emily Luo 1360 115 8127


地址:北京皇家大饭店二层, 朝阳区北三环东路甲6号
日期:2018年3月6日星期二 09:30 - 16:30
价格:会员500元;非会员800元 (价格包括:两个茶歇和中西式自助餐)
联络人:罗岩 1360 115 8127

Mar 6, 2018

9:30 AM - 4:30 PM GMT+8

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Radisson Blu Beijing
No.6A, East Road, North 3 ring Road, Beijing
Beijing, China

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  • 9:15 AM - 9:30 AMRegistration
    9:30 AM - 11:00 AMPresentation
    11:00 AM - 11:15 AMCoffee Break
    11:15 AM - 12:15 PMPresentation
    12:15 PM - 1:15 PMBuffet Lunch ( Chinese & Western)
    1:15 PM - 3:00 PMPresentation
    3:00 PM - 3:15 PMCoffee Break
    3:15 PM - 4:30 PMPresentation



Member Price
RMB 500
Non-Member Price
RMB 800