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In the trenches of the trade war: Will the Nordics get caught in the crossfire?

With a weakening currency and slowing economic growth, what is actually happening in China? Will lower rates, a weaker CNY and fiscal easing be enough to support the economy and steer China away from a hard landing? Are these policy easing a sign that China is preparing for a long trade war, OR is China about to 'blink'. For answers to all of your questions on the China Macro Economy and the Trade War and to understand how changes will impact Nordic economies and companies, make sure to get your Macro Economic "dose" for the year and don't miss out on this unique 2018 Annual Flagship China/Nordic Macro Event by Danske Bank.

The US-China trade war became reality in June when US President Donald Trump left the negotiating table and started a tit-for-tat battle with China. The trade war has unfolded in an unanticipated fashion and financial observers are split between naming who is the loosing and winning party. With no signs of deal in sight, it seems we need to buckle up for a longer period of tariff rates between US and China – rates that may very well ratchet higher over the coming year. At this event we will zoom in on the trade war and provide answers to: Why is it here? Where is it likely to go? And what it will mean for Nordic companies? We will also look at how it impacts the economic outlook for China both short term as well as the long term.

Event Details

Date: Thursday, September 6th, 2018

Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm

Venue: KASO Office Space

Add.: No. 40 Xiaoyun Road, Air China Century Towers, Podium building 5 Floor, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 北京市朝阳区平湖大道5号国航世纪大厦霄云路40号

Price: 100 RMB for members, 400 RMB for non-members Breakfast: Included

Language: English

Sign up:


08:30 - 09:00 Registration

09:00 - 09:45 Presentation Allan von Mehren

10:00 - 10:45 Presentation Xie Yanmei

10:45 - 11.45 Questions and discussion

Please Note: Failure to cancel your registration before Sep. 4 at 12:00am will require no show fee of the full amount stated in this invitation.

Sep 6, 2018

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM GMT+8

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  • Allan von Mehren (Chief China Economist at Danske Bank)

    Allan von Mehren

    Chief China Economist at Danske Bank

    Read Bio
  • Yanmei Xie (China Policy Analyst at Gavekal Dragonomics)

    Yanmei Xie

    China Policy Analyst at Gavekal Dragonomics

    Read Bio


Member Price
Non-Member Price
RMB 400


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