This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Danish Chamber of Commerce in China events.

The DCCC hereby welcomes you to an event about the adventures of traveling in China with the author and sinologist, Rakel Haslund-Gjerrild and traveller and vlogger Zhang Xiang.

"Waterways" is the working title of Rakel's current project to chronicle five journeys along five major Chinese rivers. Water is a most fascinating element, both adapting to while transforming the landscape which it traverses. This could also be said about the art of writing travel literature, a literary genre in which the author must follow the flow of the journey while trying to dam and shape the heterogeneous stories of recent and ancient floods, dams and temples, stomach aching and devastating wars, into a clear, flowing narration. Recently Rakel has travelled along the Yellow River from the estuary where the muddy water goushes into the Bohai sea to the source of the river in Qinghai, and next summer Rakel will be heading up the Grand Canal.

We have also invited Chinese traveller and vlogger, Zhang Xiang, from Andersen Traveller ApS. to speak about travelling in China. Zhang has travelled a lot in South China and made vlogs about his adventures. Zhang will also talk about his experience with creating adventures for Chinese tourists in Scandinavia.


19.00 - Welcome and introduction by Mads Vesterager Nielsen

19.05 - Presentation by Rakel

19.45 - Presentation by Zhang Xiang

20.10 - Discussion with Mads Vesterager Nielsen as moderator

20.30 - Q&A session

21.00 - End of event

Event details

Date and time: November 5th, 19:00-21:00

Venue: The Bookworm, Building 4, Nan Sanlitun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing

Price: 60RMB (incl. 1 drink)

Language: English

Registration: Via or email to

在此,DCCC欢迎您与作家兼汉学家Rakel Haslund-Gjerrild一起参与听Rakel讲述中国冒险之旅的活动。"水路"是Rakel近期项目的名称,该项目记录了中国五大主要河流沿线的五次旅行历程。水是最吸引人的元素,虽无形,但能改变它所经过的地貌景观。水也可以说是关于写作旅行文学的灵感。文学作者将各种各样的有关远古与近代的流域,大坝以及寺庙,饥饿以及恶战的故事幻化成为纯净的、生动的讲述。最近,Rakel从有浑浊河水流入渤海的黄河湾河口出发直至青海省的河流源头,而且明年夏天,Rakel将去到大运河。

我们还特别邀请来自Andersen Traveller 公司的中方旅行家和视频博客 张祥先生,讲述他在中国的旅行经历。张祥 多次在中国南部旅行,并且在视频博客上录制了他的冒险经历。张祥将向中国的游客讲述他在北欧的旅行经验


19.00 - 欢迎 - 倪迈森

19.05 - 由Rakel演讲

19.45 - 由张祥演讲

20.10 - 主持人提问环节

20.30 - 听众提问环节

21.00 - 结束


时间:Nov. 5日, 19:00-21:00

地址: 北京朝阳区工体北路4号楼,The Bookworm

票价:60RMB (包括1杯饮料)

联系:通过 报名或者联系



The Bookworm, 书虫书吧
Building 4, Nan Sanlitun Road, Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100027, P.R China, 北京市朝阳区南三里屯路三里屯南街工体北路4号院
Beijing, China

Tuanjiehu Exit D, Gongti Bei Lu - West to intersection of Nan Sanlitun Lu and Sanlitun Bei Lu 2. South onto Nan Sanlitun Lu and walk 200 m to the first small turning on your Left. You will find The Bookworm, a large red building on your immediate Right.

See route

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