This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Danish Chamber of Commerce in China events.

The DCCC is inviting our members to attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM) where we evaluate the work of 2018 and elect the DCCC board for 2019. The AGM will take place on Thursday evening, March 7th, 17.00 - 20.30. Please see the files attached to this invitation for details about the DCCC Articles of Association, By-Laws and Auditor' financial reports, Annual Report, Candidates' CV and Letter Of Intent.

At the AGM, Ambassador of Denmark to China, Mr. A. Carsten Damsgaard, will deliver a presentation on the status of the bilateral relations between Denmark and China and the Acting Chairman of DCCC, Mr. Mathias Boyer, will report on the work carried out by the DCCC during 2018.

In addition, the DCCC is inviting important stakeholders of the Danish Community (such as the Danish School at WAB, the Sino-Danish Center, Danish Cultural center, and more) to present their organizations and plans for 2019 to the leaders of DCCC members.

The AGM is for DCCC members or special invitees only and each corporate member can send up to two representatives free of charge. Individual members can attend free of charge. During the event a light dinner and drinks will be served (free of charge). For additional participants, the price is 200 RMB. Members are invited to stay for networking and drinks after the formal AGM is over.

The AGM will be held at the Danish Cultural Center in 798 Art District, providing the perfect frame for reviewing the past year and presenting the visions for 2019. Danish Cultural Center is Denmark's official platform for the exchange of culture and art in China and holds activities that aim at bringing culture and human values at the heart of creativity, learning and innovation with an approach funded on encounter and respect. It has been a member of the Danish Chamber since 2004, and we encourage members to seize this opportunity to get acquainted with this spectacular venue and its ways of promoting Danish society.

RSVP by 5th of March 2019 - please register online or send an email to

From all of us in the DCCC Board and Secretariat - We are looking forward to see you at the DCCC Annual General Meeting 2019!


The Danish Cultural Center
798 International Arts District, 706 Beiyi Jie, 2 Jiuxianqiao Lu, Chaoyang Qu, Beijing 100015

Beijing, China

See route

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