This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Danish Chamber of Commerce in China events.

The DCCC together with SwedCham are pleased to invite you to the first health seminar of 2020. We are honored to invite Dr. Huang Huan, the founder of Gaide International Dental Center to Uncover the Secrets for Improving your Family's Dental Health. It covers the following topics:


1. How to effectively prevent dental caries during childhood


2. What should I do if my teeth are not white or neat as an adult?


3. My parents have missing teeth and can only consume soft food. What should I do?


4. Doctor Huang will share the correct way to care for our teeth daily at home.


After Dr. Huang's session about how to improve you and your family's dental health, we've prepared the movie ''Becoming Astrid'' to watch together with focus on celebrating inspirational Nordic women through history. The protagonist of this movie, Astrid, is actually Astrid Lindgren, the famous Swedish writer of children's literature, such as "Pippi Longstocking" . We are also very honored to be joined by Mr. Li Dan, founder of BATURU Cultural Festival in Beijing, as a special guest for recommending the movie. We will after watching the movie have a discussion where Mr. Li Dan will share with us his thoughts.

黄医生的口腔健康分享结束后,我们还为大家准备了一部北欧女性励志的电影《Becoming Astrid》与大家佳片有约。这部电影的女主人公Astrid 是瑞典著名儿童文学女作家Astrid Lindgren,众所周知的《长袜子皮皮》就是她的代表作之一。我们也非常荣幸地邀请到翔凤国际文化节的创办人李丹老师作为电影推荐人与嘉宾到场与大家一同观影并讨论。

Gaide has kindly prepared vouchers for dental examinations worth 700RMB and Dental floss for each participant as a souvenir. We look forward to uncovering the secrets for improving you and your family's dental health at Gaide International Dental Center.


Event Details:

Date: Friday, 20 November 2020

日期:2020年11月20日, 周五

Agenda 议程:

  • 17:00-17:40 PM Oral health session 口腔健康分享
  • 17:40-18:00 PM Tea break 茶歇
  • 18:00-20:00 PM Movie time 观影时间
  • 20:00-20:30 PM Movie discussion 观影分享

Venue: Rm103, Ground floor, Building 32, Anderson Garden, Upper East Community, 2nd Area, No. 6 East Fourth Ring Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing


Language: Chinese


Price: RMB50 for members and RMB100 for non members

价格:会员价50元/位 非会员价100元/位

Note:First 5 MEMBERS to sign up for the event will receive a free ticket if you register before November 9th. Don't miss it!




  • 黄懽 (Founder / Director / Chief Expert of Gaide International Dental Center)


    Founder / Director / Chief Expert of Gaide International Dental Center

    More Information

  • 李丹 (Founder of BATURU Cultural Festival in Beijing)


    Founder of BATURU Cultural Festival in Beijing

    More Information

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