This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Danish Chamber of Commerce in China events.

The DCCC is pleased to invite you to the next offline PA Workgroup seminar of 2020 and we are honored to invite Mr. Xiaofeng Zhang, Senior Public Affairs Director of Novo Nordisk (China) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. He will share his analysis and advice on legal issues regarding Past, Present and Future of Government Affairs. It covers the following topics:


  • The importance of government affairs 政府事务的重要性
  • The role and objectives of government affairs 政府事务的角色与目标
  • The practice of government affairs 政府事务的做法
  • The case sharing of government affairs 政府事务案例分享
  • The reflection in government affairs 政府事务工作体会

Event Details:

Date: Friday 11 December 2020 星期五 2020年12月11日

Time: 14:00-16:00PM 下午2点至4点

Language: Chinese 中文

Venue:意大利对华友好协会 北京市东城区和平里西街51号雍和宫壹中心创新楼A座一层

Price: Free of charge(Only for members ) 免费(仅限会员)


  • Xiaofeng Zhang (Senior Public Affairs Director of Novo Nordisk (China) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.)

    Xiaofeng Zhang

    Senior Public Affairs Director of Novo Nordisk (China) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

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