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Three Nordic Chambers of Commerce in China invites you to an exciting and unique introductory webinar on a Nordic export cooperation, with the Winter Olympics in Beijing 2022 as the focal point.

Significant players in the Nordic region specializing in brand activation have joined forces to create The Nordic Olympic Project 2022. The goal is to take advantage of a unique opportunityto help Nordic companies to a better position in China, through a joint effort.

The Chinese government has invested heavily in the Winter Olympics 2022, as an engine for part of the future growth in China. China's importance as a market will not diminish in the coming years, which is why it is important that the Nordic region is present in a relevant way, in order to ensure a good starting point for Nordic exports in the years to come.

The Olympic Project is led by a consultancy firm in the Nordic region and consists of both a digital and physical platform. Thanks to a unique collaboration between Tencent and Leaf Digital, the digital part consists of a comprehensive digital cloud solution which i.a. contains an advanced meeting place. In the Nordic Olympic Cloud, well-known tools and methods from the World Wide Web will be connected to the Chinese's platform WeChat.

In addition, the project's goal is to have a physical meeting place for the Olympics - a so-called multination house which will be its first of its kind for an Olympics. The physical platform will be the focal point for the Nordic companies in connection with the Olympics, and it will give the Chinese audience a taste of our common Nordic values ​​and areas of strength.

The project has broad support from Nordic sports organizations and business organizations, as well as the Nordic Council of Ministers, and the project is now slowly opening up to commercial interest.

With this webinar, speakers will to give an in-depth introduction to the project, as well as unveil how a Nordic company has the opportunity to become part of the project.

The presenters will be:

  • Jakob S. Nielsen – CEO/Partner, PS Communication | Project Lead
  • Niels Christian Flintholm – Partner, Leaf Digital

The first part of the webinar will be a presentation of the project - followed by a Q&A session afterwards, where Nordic companies are invited to direct their questions directly to the organizers of the initiative.

The DCCC, NBA and FBC are not involved with The Nordic Olympic Project 2022. However, we find the project interesting - and would like to provide this chance to have our Nordic member companies learn more - and be able to ask questions directly to the speaker

The presentation will take place on Zoom - and participants will receive a webinar link upon registration below.

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    For members of the Danish Chamber of Commerce in China, Norwegian Business Association and the Finnish Business Council

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  • Non member price

    RMB 150

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