This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Danish Chamber of Commerce in China events.

The area of food, agriculture & fisheries has traditionally been highly regulated and governed by government policies and trade barriers. In order to promote the cooperation in these areas between China and Denmark and overcome the barriers many protocols and agreements have been signed between China and Denmark. To this comes the continuous seeking of common areas where China and Denmark can corporate in order to create the basis for the introduction of Danish solutions for a more sustainable, safe and efficient food production. To enhance this cooperation the SSC-project on Food and Agriculture was introduced 5 years ago and is now in its second phase. It has two tracks: One on improving food safety and another on resource efficiency and food loss and waste.

Within the policy areas of environment, water and sustainable urban development the goal of the SinoDanish government cooperation has been to create Chinese interest for the Danish solutions and also to contribute to the green development of the environment in China. The areas are also governed by cooperation agreements between the Danish Ministry of Environment and the Chinese Ministry for Environment (MEE) and Ministry of Water Resources (MWR). The Sector cooperation on environment has focus on water resource management and wastewater management working particularly with the provincial level in Hebei, Fujian, Beijing and Jiangsu. The sector cooperation on Sustainable Urban Development is carried out between Beijing and Copenhagen and focuses on circular construction, climate change adaptation, waste water management, and energy efficiency in existing buildings.

Participants will be introduced to the government cooperation with the two areas, the various programme activities and hear how the business community can play a role and benefit from the cooperation.


Food, Agriculture & Fisheries (1 hour)

• Welcome and introduction to the Sino-Danish government-to-government cooperation within food,

agriculture & fisheries by Marie Louise Flach de Neergaard, Minister Counsellor & Team leader

• Introduction to the Strategic Sector Cooperation (SSC) on Food and Agriculture by Jeppe Juul Petersen,

Sector Counsellor

• Q&A

Environment & Water and Sustainable Urban Development (1 hour)

• Welcome and introduction to the Sino-Danish government-to-government cooperation within

Environment & water by Marie Louise Flach de Neergaard, Minister Counsellor & Team leader

• Introduction to the SSC on Environment and Water by Anne Jensen, Sector Counsellor

• Introduction to the SSC on Sustainable Urban Development by Christina Anderskov, Sector Counsellor

• Q&A

Event details:

Date: Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Time: 15:00-17:00 CST (China)

Language: English

Price: Free for Member and RMB150 for Non-Member

Registration will close at noon one day prior to the webinar.

After confirmed sign-up you will receive an email with the information to access the webinar. The link is personal and should not be shared with others.

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