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The DCCC is pleased to invite you to the PA Workgroup Seminar and we are very honored to invite Mrs. Lorena Di Carlo, Senior Vice President of Global Lundbeck and Managing Director of China Lundbeck and Mrs. Minglei Zhu, VP, GAMA China Lundbeck as our distinguished speakers. Mrs. Carlo will make the opening speech and Mrs. Zhu will share her analysis and advice on 'Optimization of China's Health Policies in The Field of Mental Health'.


  • 现状/Current situation
  • 采取的行动/Actions taken
  • 取得的进展/Progress achieved

Event Agenda:

  • 10:00 am - 10:20 am
  • Opening Speech
  • 开场致辞
  • 10:20 am - 11:30 am
  • Optimization of China's Health Policies in the Field of Mental Health
  • 精神领域相关中国卫生政策优化专题分享
  • 11:30 am - 12:00 am
  • Q & A
  • 问答时间

Event Details:

Date: Monday, 6 December 2021

日期: 2021年12月6日,星期一

Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 am

时间:上午10:00 - 12:00

Language: Chinese


Price: Free (Only for Members)


Venue: 12th floor, Tower A, Beijing Chyau Fwu Fang Cao Di, Dong Da Qiao Road 9, Beijing China


Note: For the participants who cannot join the seminar physically, we will share the Zoom meeting link by email on 3 December 2021.

备注:我们会在12月3日把Zoom 会议链接发邮件给因故不能参加线下研讨会的参会者。


  • Lorena Di Carlo (Senior Vice President of Global Lundbeck and Managing Director of China Lundbeck)

    Lorena Di Carlo

    Senior Vice President of Global Lundbeck and Managing Director of China Lundbeck


  • Minglei Zhu (VP,GAMA of China Lundbeck)

    Minglei Zhu

    VP,GAMA of China Lundbeck




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