This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Danish Chamber of Commerce in China events.

Since the outbreak of COVID19, the sustainability and development of business has been seriously affected. Especially the hospitality, tourism and service industry have been impacted unprecedentedly in comparison to other industries. Many enterprises have been forced to close in the past years. At the same time, the economic activities of many enterprises have been restricted due to the epidemic. In such a special period, improving the viability of the enterprise itself is more important than before, which is also the focus of many enterprises management.


The DCCC is pleased to invite you to the Finance Workgroup Webinar. We are honored to invite Ms. Shi Yan, Partner, Finance and Operations Director from Acclime Beijing. She will share a presentation on the below mentioned topic of "How to Improve the Viability for Business".

中国丹麦商会在此诚邀您参加本次财务工作组线上研讨会。我们非常荣幸地邀请到来自Acclime Beijing的合伙人,财务及运营总监史燕女士。她将为我们带来"如何提高企业的生存能力"的分享。

  • The internal and external environment for business
  • 介绍影响企业生存的内外部环境
  • Business life cycle case sharing
  • 企业生存周期案例分享
  • How to improve the profitability of enterprises
  • 如何提高企业的盈利能力
  • How to improve the liquidity of enterprises
  • 如何提高企业现金的流动能力

Event Details:

Date: Tuesday, March 22, 2022


Time: 14:00-16:00 PM


Language: Chinese


Price: Free of charge(Members only)


Zoom meeting link 网络研讨会链接:

Meeting ID 网络研讨会ID: 946 0510 7301

Passcode 密码: 428523


  • Emily Shi (Partner, Finance & Operations Director Beijing of Acclime Beijing)

    Emily Shi

    Partner, Finance & Operations Director Beijing of Acclime Beijing

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