This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Danish Chamber of Commerce in China events.

Environmental, Social and Governance related issues are increasingly critical for businesses; a wide range of stakeholders, including investors, banks, regulators, business partners and employees are increasingly demanding companies to adopt a transparent ESG agenda. As a result, ESG is becoming an integral part of business and investment strategies without which further growth is impossible.

The Danish Chamber of Commerce in China is glad to collaborate with SwedCham, NBA and FinnCham and together welcome Nordea, represented by Andreas Hyldahl, Client Executive, and Åsa Nilsson Billme, Head of Diversity & Inclusion, to demystify the issues surrounding ESG. Topics for this first event in the series will focus primarily on Social and Corporate Governance issues, and the second event will focus on Environmental issues.

Nordea sees sustainable development as a source of many opportunities for innovation and growth and their goal is to support customers making this transition.

环境、社会和公司治理(ESG) 对企业来说越来越重要。广泛的利益相关者,包括投。资者、银行、监管机构、业务合作伙伴和员工,越来越要求公司采用透明的ESG议程。因此,ESG正在成为商业和投资战略中不可或缺的一部分,没有ESG,就不可能实现进一步的增长。

DCCC很荣幸与北欧商会一起,邀请到了北欧银行Nordea的Andreas Hyldahl和Åsa Nilsson Billme,为我们带来ESG系列的研讨会。该系列第一次活动的主题将主要集中在社会和公司治理问题上,第二次活动将侧重于环境问题。


Event Details | 活动详情

Topic | 研讨会主题

ESG with Nordea - Part 1: Social and Corporate Governance Issues

ESG与Nordea - 第一期:社会和公司治理问题

Speakers | 分享嘉宾

Andreas Hyldahl, Client Executive, Nordea

Åsa Nilsson Billme, Head of Diversity & Inclusion, Nordea

Date | 日期

Thursday September 8


Time | 时间

04:00 p.m. - 05:00 p.m., Beijing time

下午4:00 - 5:00 北京时间

Language | 活动语言

English 英语

Price | 票价

100 RMB for Members & Discount Pass Holders

150 RMB for Non-Members


Venue | 研讨会地点

Online via Microsoft Teams

Link will be sent out separately before the event




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DCCC All China Members

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    RMB 100

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  • Non-member Ticket

    RMB 150

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