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DCCC cordially invites you to participate in an online training course centered around AI Empowering Office Software. This course aims to enhance your work efficiency through the utilization of ChatGPT and other automation tools.

During the training, we will introduce popular automation tools and offer practical examples to illustrate their application in your daily tasks. Whether you seek to optimize work efficiency or acquire knowledge about automation tools, this training is an excellent opportunity. Our objective is to empower you to swiftly master these tools and seamlessly integrate them into your daily workflow.




2024.3.12 & 2024.3.13







Member Ticket: RMB1680/Person

Group Ticket For 5(or more): RMB1600/Person




This course is suitable for anyone aiming to enhance work efficiency, reduce manual tasks, and streamline repetitive work processes



Chapter 1 Application of AI technology in workplace productivity

  • The concepts and advantages of automation tools
  • The fundamentals of natural language processing and generation as well as their application scenarios.
  • Is AI a replacement for labor or an assistant?
  • Master conversational skills with ChatGPT to improve work efficiency
  • Role-playing with ChatGPT to create domain-specific AI consultants
  • Various application scenarios of ChatGPT to unleash the power of artificial intelligence
  • Application of AI technologies in office software
  • Overview of mainstream AI tools
  • Generate workplace documents with one click to make AI your all-in-one writing assistant

Chapter 2 Application of AI Technology in PowerPoint

  • AI intelligent applications in PowerPoint
  • ChatGPT assists PowerPoint design
  • Other AI tools assist PowerPoint design
  • Intelligent AI plugins for PowerPoint
  • Efficiently generate a complete PowerPoint based on the topic
  • Intelligently layout PowerPoint page content with AI's help
  • Convert Word to PowerPoint within seconds,no need to copy and paste
  • Globally beautify in 5 minutes to effortlessly obtain a high-value PowerPoint template
  • Single page layout done within seconds, Al makes you a PowerPoint expert
  • Add animations with one click, dynamic effects realized smoothly

Chapter 3 Application of AI Technology in Excel

  • AI intelligent applications in Excel
  • ChatGPT assists Excel analysis
  • AI tools assist Excel analysis
  • Intelligent AI plugins for Excel
  • Solve practical problems of trainees' enterprises
  • ChatGPT helps Excel automation practice

Chapter 4 Application of AI Technology in Word

  • Let AI help you when you lack inspiration for text
  • Quickly extract keywords from text
  • Automatically correct and make recommendations for documents
  • Automatically fill in, lay out and format
  • AI assists academic writing
  • Master long document layout and never have to work overtime again
  • Instantly send a large number of emails

Chapter 5 Application of AI Technology in Business Data Analysis

  • Obtain data to generate interactive dashboards
  • Directly ask requirements to automatically generate charts
  • Let the tool automatically find out the reasons for differences in benefits
  • Upload data to automatically generate interactive reports
  • Power BI Suggestions with Copilot

第一章 AI技术在职场办公中的应用l 自动化工具的概念和优势

  • 自然语言处理和生成的基础知识和应用场景。
  • Al是劳动力的替代者还是助手?
  • 掌握与ChatGPT对话技巧,提高办公效率
  • ChatGPT角色扮演,打造不同领域的专属AI顾问
  • ChatGPT的各种应用场景,释放人工智能的威力
  • AI技术在办公软件中的应用
  • 主流的AI工具的简介
  • 一键生成职场文案,让Al成为你的全能写作助手

第二章 PPT中的AI技术应用l PPT中AI智能应用

  • ChatGPT辅助PPT设计
  • AI工具辅助PPT设计
  • PPT智能AI插件
  • 根据主题高效率生成一份完整的PPT
  • 页面美化,用AI帮你智能排版PPT页面内容
  • Word转PPT只需一秒,告别麻烦的复制粘贴
  • 5分钟全局美化,轻松得到高颜值PPT模板
  • 单页智能排版,Al秒变PPT高手
  • 一键添加动画,动态效果无障碍实现

第三章 EXCEL中的AI技术应用l Excel中AI智能应用

  • ChatGPT辅助Excel分析
  • AI工具辅助Excel分析
  • Excel智能AI插件
  • 解决学员企业实际问题
  • ChatGPT助力Excel自动化实战

第四章 Word中的AI技术应用l 文案没灵感,让AI来帮你

  • 文字快速提取关键字词
  • 文档的自动纠错、建议
  • 自动填写、排版
  • AI助力学术论文撰写
  • 搞定长文档排版,从此告别加班
  • 再多邮件要发送,也就是瞬间的事

第五章 商业数据分析中的AI技术应用l 获取数据生成交互式报表

  • 直接提问需求,自动生成图表
  • 交给工具自动找出效益差的原因
  • 上传数据,自动生成交互式报告
  • Power BI Suggestions with Copilot


Zhao Baoheng Gold Medal Lecturer, Eddic China

赵保恒 易迪思中国的金牌讲师

Zhao Baoheng, a distinguished Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP), boasts a decade of experience in office and graphic design instruction. His expertise extends to training 500 large-scale enterprise clients, including notable organizations such as Thomson Reuters China, Fuji Xerox, Baidu, and the Bank of China Guangzhou. As a Gold Medal Lecturer at Eddic China, Zhao Baoheng's contributions have left an indelible mark on the field.

赵宝恒,一位杰出的Microsoft最有价值专家(MVP),拥有十年的办公和图形设计教学经验。他的专业知识涵盖了培训500家大型企业客户,其中包括汤森路透中国富士施乐百度中国广州银行等知名机构。作为Eddic China金奖讲师,赵宝恒的贡献在该领域留下了深刻的印记。


If you cannot attend an event for which you have registered, please cancel your registration no later than 3 business day prior to the event. If you fail to notify us of your cancellation in a timely fashion, you will be charged for the event costs.



Eddic training center (china) is a leading provider of enterprise-level training services. Founded in 2003, eddic currently has more than 800 instructors who focus on enterprise-level training area. The company has served for more than 3,500 companies with professional customized training solutions. Adhering to the concept of "value-added courses and innovative services", eddic provides training solutions for enterprises to cultivate talents.

易迪思(中国)培训中心是中国领先的企业级培训服务供应商,始创于2003年,目前机构 拥有超过800多位合作讲师,专注于企业级培训领域。目前总累计已为超过3500余家企业 提供定制化培训解决方案。易迪思结合 17余年培训服务的经验,针对企业的管理实际,不断总结,形成了独具特 色的培训课程体系和咨询辅导系统。并且与国内外优秀企业、机构交流合作,开展 标杆学习、主题论坛、沙龙交流等特色服务,为企业管理者、学员搭建一个多 样化的学习平台。易迪思每年服务客户超过 1000 家,每年开办的展示课、 公开课、内训课超过 8000 场次,其中包括 300 余家全球 500 强的在华投资企业。



  • Member Ticket

    RMB 1,780

    For members and partners of the Danish Chamber of Commerce

    Buy Ticket
  • Group Ticket for 5 (or more)

    RMB 1,600

    Purchase Limit per Registration (5 min, 20 max)

    Buy Ticket

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