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DCCC extends a warm invitation to you for an online training course centered around Insight into Data - Become an expert in data-driven operations. This course aims to empower participants with multiple methods and techniques of data analysis and management.

Whether you're involved in purchasing, sales, financial analysis, or business decisions, this training equips you with the essential skills needed to navigate data systems and tackle various data application challenges.










Member Ticket: RMB1080/Person

Group Ticket For 5(or more): RMB1000/Person



Course Highlights

  • Data Analysis Skills: Learn how to extract valuable insights from complex data sets using tools like Excel and related software.
  • Business Decision Support: Understand how to make informed decisions by analyzing data and creating professional management charts.
  • Advanced Applications: Dive into Power Query and Power Pivot for dynamic data management.
  • Forecasting and Optimization: Explore multi-factor cost-profit analysis models and discover the best profit strategies.
  • Customer Segmentation: Learn techniques to classify products and customers effectively.

By participating in this training, you'll gain practical knowledge that can enhance your business strategy, improve operations, and drive data-driven decision-making. Whether you're a seasoned data analyst or just starting your journey, this course provides valuable insights to propel your career forward. Sign up now and unlock the power of data for your professional growth!


  • 数据分析技能:学习如何使用Excel和相关软件从复杂数据集中提取有价值的见解。
  • 业务决策支持:通过分析数据并创建专业管理图表,了解如何做出明智的决策。
  • 高级应用:深入研究Power Query和Power Pivot,进行动态数据管理。
  • 预测和优化:探索多因素成本利润分析模型,发现最佳利润策略。
  • 客户细分:学习有效分类产品和客户的技巧。



1. Data collation —— tips to solve big problems

  • Disaded with fast fill
  • Quickly highlight the data features
  • Ensure the correctness of the input data
  • Application cases when combined with the function

2. Power Query —— Automatically collate the data

  • Quickly and automatically summarize multiple worksheets and folders
  • A powerful queries query than Vlookup
  • More aster query more faster than copy and paste
  • List of career changes of the trick —— inverse perspective
  • You can distinguish between right and wrong without an IF
  • PQ actual combat case

3. Functions to order —— functions are not that difficult

  • ID card number integrated function use
  • The Sum and Count families are married with wildcards
  • Vlookup, X lookup, Index who is better
  • Find required function across tables
  • M365 new function: Filter, L ambda, etc
  • AI power-enabled function editing

4. Data modeling and analysis —— multi-table analysis

  • What is data modeling?
  • Common data models
  • Automatically create the date dimension table
  • Create a pivot table from the data model
  • Value summary and display mode
  • Year-on-year, sequential and fixed base ratio
  • The spective tables are grouped automatically and manually
  • Data sorting and custom sorting
  • Dressing by screening TopN
  • Excel The simplest GetPivotData function in
  • Slicer linkage

5. Dynamic Kanban production

  • Common chart errors
  • Five characteristics of professional charts
  • Chart and professional color matching
  • Change the font and color scheme with one click
  • Dynamic chart making

1. 数据整理——小技巧解决大问题

  • 分列与快速填充
  • 快速突显数据特征
  • 保证录入数据正确性
  • 与函数结合应用案例

2. Power Query——自动整理数据

  • 快速自动汇总多个工作表和文件夹
  • 比Vlookup更厉害的合并查询
  • 比复制粘贴更快速的追加查询
  • 列转行的绝招——逆透视
  • 不用IF也能明辨是非
  • PQ实战案例

3. 函数进阶——函数没那么难

  • 身份证号码综合函数运用
  • Sum和Count家族与通配符联姻
  • Vlookup、Xlookup、Index谁更胜一筹
  • 跨表查找必学函数
  • M365新函数:Filter、Lambda等
  • AI助力函数编辑

4. 数据建模和分析——多表分析新思路

  • 什么是数据建模?
  • 常见数据模型
  • 自动创建日期维度表
  • 创建来自数据模型的数据透视表
  • 值汇总和显示方式
  • 同比、环比和定基比
  • 透视表自动分组和手动分组
  • 数据排序和自定义排序
  • 筛选TopN
  • Excel中最简单的GetPivotData函数
  • 切片器联动

5. 动态看板制作

  • 常见图表误区
  • 专业图表五大特征
  • 图表专业色彩搭配
  • 一键更改字体和配色
  • 动态图表制作


Yan Yan, Gold Medal Lecturer, Eddic China

晏艳 易迪思中国的金牌讲师

Yan Yan, a seasoned Microsoft Certified Instructor and an expert in data-driven operations, has transformed businesses by empowering professionals with essential skills in data analysis, Office software, and Power BI. With an English proficiency level of eight, she is capable of bilingual instruction. Yan has served Fortune 500 companies such as Dell, Chevron, and P&G.

晏艳是一位经验丰富的微软认证讲师,也是数据驱动运营领域的专家,她赋予专业人士数据分析、Office 软件和 Power BI 等必备技能助益企业发展。晏老师英语专业八级,可以中英双语教学,曾服务过戴尔、雪佛龙和保乐力等500强企业。


If you cannot attend an event for which you have registered, please cancel your registration no later than 3 business day prior to the event. If you fail to notify us of your cancellation in a timely fashion, you will be charged for the event costs.



Eddic training center (china) is a leading provider of enterprise-level training services. Founded in 2003, eddic currently has more than 800 instructors who focus on enterprise-level training area. The company has served for more than 3,500 companies with professional customized training solutions. Adhering to the concept of "value-added courses and innovative services", eddic provides training solutions for enterprises to cultivate talents.

易迪思(中国)培训中心是中国领先的企业级培训服务供应商,始创于2003年,目前机构 拥有超过800多位合作讲师,专注于企业级培训领域。目前总累计已为超过3500余家企业 提供定制化培训解决方案。易迪思结合 17余年培训服务的经验,针对企业的管理实际,不断总结,形成了独具特 色的培训课程体系和咨询辅导系统。并且与国内外优秀企业、机构交流合作,开展 标杆学习、主题论坛、沙龙交流等特色服务,为企业管理者、学员搭建一个多 样化的学习平台。易迪思每年服务客户超过 1000 家,每年开办的展示课、 公开课、内训课超过 8000 场次,其中包括 300 余家全球 500 强的在华投资企业。



  • Member Ticket

    RMB 1,080

    For members and partners of the Danish Chamber of Commerce

    Buy Ticket
  • Group Ticket for 5(or more)

    RMB 1,000

    Purchase Limit per Registration (5 min, 20 max)

    Buy Ticket

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