Event Details

DCCC and the Nordic Chambers invites you to a historical event hosted by Beijing Postcards just south of Tiananmen square. The DCCC is delighted to offer a favorable membership price to DCCC members for this fascinating presentation of the Boxer Rebellion by Danish owner Lars Ulrik.

Hear the incredible story of the summer of 1900, when 4,000 foreigners and Chinese lived under siege from radical mystic rebels for 55 days. Follow us into the old Legation Quarter to hear stories about the bombing of the French embassy, the wavering Qing Court and how 200,000 bullets flew into the sky without finding a single target. The tour will then end at Capital M for a well-deserved complimentary drink and a small exhibition curated by Beijing Postcards of original photos and maps from the early 1900's!

Event details:
Time: Oct 30, 2016, 16:00 - 18:30
Meeting point: Tian'anmen West subway exit B
Price: 175 RMB for members and 200 RMB for non-members
Language: English

We are looking forward to sharing this great cultural experience with our members and to enjoy a nice Autumn walk in Beijing.


4:00 PM - 5:45 PM
Meeting for the walk
During the walk through the old Legation Quarter, Lars Ulrik well explain what happened during the 55 days siege
5:45 PM - 6:30 PM
Refreshments and slideshow at Capital M
At Capital M we will be getting a refreshing drink while Lars Ulrik Further explains the details of the time through gathered Photos from the time period.


  • Lars Ulrik Thom (Beijing Postcards)

    Lars Ulrik Thom

    Beijing Postcards

    Lars Ulrik is from Denmark and is the owner of Beijing Postcards. He specializes in the modern history of Beijing, where he through archives and interviews pieces the past together. With his sense for details he recreates the past through his vivid story telling abillities.

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Non member ticket
Door Price RMB 200
DCCC member ticket
Door Price RMB 175