
Danish Young Professionals, in collaboration with Benelux Chamber and Australia Chamber, are pleased to announce the second edition of our InterChamber Young Professional Series
“Workshop: Building a Successful Online Brand in China” on April 21.

As China moves toward a market economy, the value of ‘brand’ increases as consumers look for brands that are innovative, unique and trustworthy. As much as we see the growth of domestic Chinese brands, we see the continued growth of foreign products here in the e-commerce market.
So how do companies develop a brand, protect brand equity and ensure connection between vendor and consumers in a rapidly changing environment?

This Future Business Leaders workshop will break down brand equity, delve into how to develop a successful brand domestically and internationally and look at how the online market place is developing.

Event details:

Date: Friday April 21st
Time: 5:30pm – 8:30pm
Price: Free, but remember to register as there are limited spots!


5:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Arrival and registration
6:00 PM - 6:15 PM
Speaker introductions
6:15 PM - 6:45 PM
‘Brand’ introduction and group workshop
6:45 PM - 7:15 PM
E-commerce & online market and group workshop
7:15 PM - 7:30 PM
Group presentations
7:30 PM - 8:30 PM


  • Tim Coghlan (China Retail Industry and Brand Strategy Consultant at Coghlan Consulting)

    Tim Coghlan

    China Retail Industry and Brand Strategy Consultant at Coghlan Consulting

    Based in Beijing, Timothy Coghlan is an independent consultant focused on the Chinese retail, technology and consumer sectors. He has advised the world’s most iconic fashion and luxury brands including Louis Vuitton, Prada and others on their China strategies including the opening of several flagship stores for these brands.

    Timothy also leads the Australia-China Fashion Alliance project and produced the “China Fashion & Retail Forum” in Australia in 2016 to teach “China readiness” to Australia’s retail and brand sector.

    Timothy is a regular speaker and media commentator on business in China and his articles have been featured on The Business of Fashion, Fashion & Mash, Tech in Asia, Technode, Mao Suit and the Journal of Australia-China Affairs. He graduated from the Australian National University with degrees in both Economics and East Asian Studies.

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  • Stevan Tao (Strategy & Projects Manager at SmartTrans)

    Stevan Tao

    Strategy & Projects Manager at SmartTrans


    Stevan is currently the General Manager for SmartTrans China, an Australian listed company headquartered in Melbourne. Smarttrans specialises in 3rd party online payment services in China via its SmartPay platform.

    SmartTrans other online services include e-commerce, mobile and software solutions and assisting Australian companies with Fintech services to China. SmartTrans China is headquarted in Beijing with offices in Qingdao and Guangzhou.

    Stevan is a Sydney sider who came to Beijing expecting only a brief China stint in the middle kingdom which is now 6 years and counting. Stevan graduated from ANU.

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  • Oliver Theobald (Operations Specialist at Alibaba Cloud)

    Oliver Theobald

    Operations Specialist at Alibaba Cloud


    Oliver works as an Operations Specialist with Alibaba Cloud, managing online website operations and content marketing. Oliver previously worked at AustCham Beijing between 2014 and 2016 and is a Co-Founder of Asia Options.

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Tickets are free but limited
Standard Price Complimentary