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Throughout the ages, Swedes and other northern Europeans have celebrated this festivity by lighting up great bonfires. For whatever reason, be it to scare away witches, burn the old and make place for the new, or to simply celebrate that spring has arrived.
In modern times, the Scandinavians mostly celebrate this festivity by throwing great out-door parties in parks, streets, at squares or any other location where public alcohol consumption is otherwise banned.
As it happens, the Swedish Young Professionals in Beijing have a great number of beer that they desperately need help to get rid of. For this purpose, and as Valborg is upon us, the Swedes have joined forces with Danes.
Together we invite you to up-hold our sacred tradition, and in doing so, strike a good beer deal at the same time.

When: 2pm
Where: Chaoyang park
Beer deal: 20 RMB for 5 cans

The Danish Young Professionals Beijing, in collaboration the Swedish Young Professionals Beijing​

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