This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Danish Chamber of Commerce in China events.

Corona Virus Update Webinar:

How to navigate the current situation for Danish companies doing business in and with China

17:30 - 18:30 CST (China)/10:30 -11:30 CET(Denmark), on Thursday 20th February 2020

China is facing one of its most significant medical emergencies in several generations. While the Chinese people are fighting a hard and brave battle to bring the virus under control, the immediate impact on Danish companies in China is real. Dial into a first-of-a-kind PAN China DCCC and DCBF collaboration to hear voices of Danish business executives from North China to South China and how they are dealing with the consequences of this emergency.

You and your colleagues should participate if:

Your company has employees located in China

Your company exports to or imports from China

Your company has production in China

You are interested in the consequences for companies in China

About the Speakers

  • Chris Cui, the General Manager of Kopenhagen Fur in Beijing will speak to how the 2019-nCoV Virus has impacted Kopenhagen Fur´s business in China and how they are preparing for a return to business.
  • Cindy Wang, CEO of ISS China, will present how the company is dealing with the current challenges and key learnings from the process. She will likewise cover the impact it has had until now on ISS business operations and their customers.
  • Jesper Andersen, is the Owner of Safe & Care with 350 employees in South China and also part of the board in DCCC-SC.

Date & Time:

17:30 - 18:30, Thursday, 20th of February 2020

Webinar Access:

Easy sign up. Online participation.

Sign up for the link following:

Upon completed registration, information to access the online webinar will be sent to your email.Participation Fee for this event is free for Members.

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