This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Danish Chamber of Commerce in China events.

Niels Chr. Flintholm, Partner at LEAF Digital will present the current market situation in China and how your company can benefit through online sales in China. Being the first country to be hit, China is now also the first to slowly emerge into a relative normal state. Online consumer spending in China is close to pre-corona levels, thus offering the best opportunities for brands to recapture lost revenues on other markets.

Following the presentation there will be an open discussion and any related questions are most welcome.

Date: Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Time: 15.00-16.00 CST (China)

Language: English

Price: Free of charge

Please sign up no later than Monday, April 27, 2020.

Once this form has been filled, you are signed up and will receive a link by mail to join the webinar. This will be sent to you on the morning of the webinar. Additionally, an outlook invitation will be sent prior to the webinar with information to access the platform.

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