This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Danish Chamber of Commerce in China events.

DCCC invites for a fun family event with LEGO at the LEGO flagship store at Wangfujing on November 30. Join and build a Danish "Christmas Heart" with your family, and Kickstart your Christmas spirits with us!


Take part in a festive LEGO workshop, where families will learn to build a Danish Christmas Heart. Participants will also get an introduction to Danish Christmas.


There will be two identical workshops. Upon registration, please inform which of the two you would like to join:

- 16:30-17:00 or

- 17:30-18:00

There will be a fun presentation on traditional Danish Christmas at 17:00.


- 16:30-17:00 或者

- 17:30-18:00


Ticket includes two people (1 adult and 1 child) + a LEGO Christmas box set! Additional family members can join forces +49 RMB/person.

门票包含两人(一个成年人加一个儿童)+ 一个乐高圣诞盒!如有其他家庭成员想要参与本次活动,仅需另外支付49元人民币/人。

Seats are very limited - so sign up today!


We are looking forward to a fun family event.


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  • Ticket 门票

    RMB 299

    Ticket price includes 1 adult, 1 child + LEGO box set. 价格包含一个成人和一个儿童,以及一个乐高礼盒

    Buy Ticket
  • Additional family member ticket 其他家庭成员票

    RMB 49

    Ticket for additional family members. 活动套票以外的家庭成员票

    Buy Ticket