This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Danish Chamber of Commerce in China events.

The Nordic Chambers of Commerce invites you to join this joint event with The Economists Rachel Morarjee. Rachel is director of the Economist Corporate Network, the Economist Group's advisory network and executive briefing service.

The event includes a dinner for all participants and a round table session for invitees (if you wish to participate in the round table, please contact us for availability on

China's Economic Outlook 2019

China's transformation into one of the world's leading economies shows little signs of decrease. Therefore, it is key to evolve and set new strategies in to an increasingly complex landscape as technologies, businesses, markets and consumers respond to change. 2018 was a momentous year as China, the world's second largest economy, once again showed its readiness for the global leadership role.

The Economist will inform you about the latest key trends of the Chinese market of 2018 and explain how to adapt your strategies to these changes. During the seminar, we will also have an in-depth analysis about future forecasts of the Chinese economy.

Date: Thursday 24th January

Round Table for invitees: 17:00

Registration: 18:00

Presentation and dinner: 18:30

Venue: Four Seasons Beijing, 48 Liang Ma Qiao Road

Price: Non-members 400RMB, members 250RMB


Four Seasons Beijing
Liangmaqiao Road 48
Beijing, China

See route

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