This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Danish Chamber of Commerce in China events.

Have you ever experienced a meeting, project or negotiation having a different result than you thought? Maybe a contract expected to be signed, was instead cancelled without warning? Differences in thinking and language issues can complicate your China business. In this webinar Rui Li, Business Chinese Teacher at IBA, International Business Academy, Kolding and Line Elk Hansen, Project Director at DCBF will provide you with essential key insights, language tools and practical tips to help you avoid mistakes and secure better results.

Following the presentation there will be an open discussion at which any related questions and/or comments are most welcome.

Event details:

Date: Thursday, January 14, 2021

Time: 16:00-17:00 CST (China)

Language: English

Price: Free for Member and RMB150 for Non-Member

Registration will close at noon one day prior to the webinar.

After confirmed sign-up you will receive an email with the information to access the webinar. The link is personal and should not be shared with others.

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