This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Danish Chamber of Commerce in China events.

For the first training program of 2022, the DCCC is pleased to announce that we have a brand new topic for our three-session training in March and April in Shanghai. The topic has been carefully selected based on feedback from our members, and we have invited Dr. Jari Grosse-Ruyken from CONTUR, as well as Christine Hu from CONCHIUS to bring you three sessions on Strategic Leadership Under Uncertainty.

The pandemic is challenging us in unimaginable ways and business leaders are no exception. Meeting the challenge of the new normal means focusing on the leadership capabilities that enable the leaders to be agile, resilient and adaptive.

This training is suitable for middle-high level management.

全球疫情让各行各业都深刻感知到不确定性时代的影响。VUCA描述了数字时代的四个特征:Volatile 易变性、Uncertain不确定性、Complex复杂性、和Ambiguous模糊性。环境和未来的复杂性和不确定性对领导力提出更多挑战。


VUCA时代高效领导力的要素有哪些?如何在危机中与团队协作与沟通?这次培训,我们邀请到了专攻于战略思维研究的Dr. Jari Grosse-Ruyken 和CONCHIUS的大师级教练Christine Hu,为我们带来以VUCA时代领导力为主题的三场培训。

日期 | Date

3月29日 | 4月12日 | 4月19日

时间 | Time

9:00 AM - 12:30 PM

地点 | Location

Saphirre Room, 朗廷酒店,马当路99号

上海 Shanghai

费用* | Price

全价:RMB 3888



  • Please note that this training will only proceed if we reach the minimum required amount of participants.
  • By participating in this training, you consent to the DCCC taking photographs during the training program and using them as needed for promotional purposes.


The Langham Xintiandi, Shanghai
No. 99 Madang Road, Huangpu
Shanghai, China

See route

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