This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Danish Chamber of Commerce in China events.

In order to reduce the tax burden on companies, the Chinese government introduced a number of preferential tax policies in 2020. How to make the most of these policies is very important for all accountants and the top management of each company. With the approaching of the yearend, companies need to review their accounts and tax fillings for the whole year to prepare the forthcoming fiscal year tax reconciliation.

为了进一步减轻企业税负,国家于 2020 年出台了一系列税收优惠政策。如何及时掌握和正确的享受这些优惠政策对企业财务和管理层来说是非常重要的,尤其是在接近年终的时刻,更需要对一年的账务和税务进行回顾查看,为明年的汇算清缴做好准备。

The DCCC is pleased to invite you to the Finance Workgroup Seminar of 2020 and we are honored to invite Mrs. Lucy Dai, the Accounting and Tax Manager of Lee & Lee Associates . She will share her analysis and advice on legal issues regarding Tax Updates in 2020 and Year-end Closing Key Points. It covers the following topics:


1. Tax updates and practice in 2020 2020年的新政策和实操

▪ Tax preferential policies 2020 年税务优惠政策

▪Updates on social security 社保最新进展

2. Key points of the year-end closing 年底关账要点

▪ Assets management 资产管理

▪ Current accounts 往来账目检查

▪ Tax filings 税务检查

Event Details:

Date: Thursday, 26 November 2020

Time: 14:00-15:30PM

Language: Chinese

Venue: 北京市东城区和平里西街51号雍和宫壹中心创新楼A座一层意大利对华友好协会

Price: Free of charge(Only for members)

Note:You are also welcome to join this seminar on line if you cannot participate physically. The Zoom meeting link will be shared with you by email once you sign for it.


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