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  • 税务管理与企业战略;
  • 涉税事项全流程处理规范;
  • 关联交易申报及同期资料准备;
  • 税收筹划管理;
  • 绩效与激励体系。





日期: 2021年4月28日

时间: 上午10:00 - 11:30

地点: 微信直播群(注册后通知)


价格: 会员80元/人 非会员160元/人

The design of enterprise strategy should involve tax management, which make the development of enterprise strategy is consistent with the investors' expectations. Tax management can provide the convincing and new concept of paying tax accordingly, which has a significant influence on the development of enterprise. Tax management can set up a new tax support system which is feasible, sustainable, and enable the company to achieve the strategic targets.

The DCCC and the SwedCham are pleased to invite you to the tax management training and we are honored to invite Mr. David Li, the senior manager of Kuang Zheng Certified Public Accountants Beijing as our speaker again. Below are the main content of training:

  • Tax management and corporate strategy;
  • Standardization of the whole process of tax-related matters
  • Filing of related party transactions and preparation of transfer pricing documentation
  • Management of tax planning
  • Performance and incentive mechanism

Once registered, you will be invited to a WeChat group. The training will be presented in Chinese.

Event Details:

Date: April . 28 , 2020

Time: 10:00 - 11:30 AM

Where: WeChat Live Group

Language: Chinese

Price: RMB 80/Members, RMB160/Non-Members


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