
Join us for a dynamic webinar hosted by the Danish Chamber of Commerce in China, where we unravel the complexities of ESG reporting for Danish companies in China.

This event is a part of the DCCC East Finance and Legal Working Group, hosted by Acclime Finance Director Ann Sophie De Meester. Email DCCC East Area Manager Bitten Kirk Nielsen to join the group on bitten@dccc.com.cn.


February 29th, 3pm – 4pm

2月29日,3pm – 4pm

VENUE | 地点

Online meeting

The link will be sent to you one day before the webinar to your email





1. Situation: EU Sustainability Regulations and Implications for Companies Operating in China

  • Gain insights into the latest EU sustainability regulations and their impact on companies operating in China.
  • Understand cross-border compliance challenges and strategies to align with EU ESG mandates.

2. In Practice: Practical Insights from Suzano, a Forestry Company, on Challenges, Investments, and Opportunities in ESG Reporting

  • Hear firsthand about the practical journey of Suzano Asia, who's clients export to Europe, and their actions to address ESG reporting challenges.
  • Discover the investments they've made in sustainability and the opportunities that have arisen through their ESG initiatives.

3. What's Next: Effective ESG Data Management and Reporting Tools

  • Explore practical tools and technologies that streamline ESG data management and reporting.
  • Learn about the latest methods for efficient ESG data collection and reporting to meet regulatory requirements and stakeholder expectations.

Who Should Attend:


  • Business leaders and decision-makers
  • Sustainability and ESG professionals
  • Compliance and regulatory experts
  • Financial and investment professionals
  • Anyone interested in the intersection of sustainability, compliance, and business strategy


Heidi Berg, Sustainability and ESG Director, DI-Asia Base

Ms. Heidi Berg is leading the work at the Danish Confederation of Industries China office developing and delivering ESG training and other services for Chinese subsidiaries of, and partners to European companies. She has worked with projects related to sustainability and ESG over the last thirteen years, both in Europe, Africa, South Asia and China. Her experience includes investment projects in renewable energy and sustainable agriculture, financial inclusion, textile industry and low emission real estate. Heidi Berg holds a master's degree in international management with specialization in finance and is a certified sustainability professional by the global leading ESG reporting framework GRI.

Maarten Roos, Managing Director, R&P

Maarten advises and represents Western companies with business interests in China, focusing mainly on investment projects and corporate activities, commercial transactions, compliance and ESG, employment matters and dispute resolution. He has worked on numerous complex M&A deals, corporate (re-)structuring and company liquidations, and compliance investigations; and frequently represents foreign clients in negotiations with Chinese business partners and government offices.

Maarten founded and continues to lead R&P China Lawyers, a boutique Chinese law firm that supports international businesses in China from offices in Shanghai and Beijing. He is also a partner of Acclime, Asia's leading corporate services provider.

Originally from the Netherlands, Maarten has been in China since 1999 and is fluent in Chinese. He graduated from Leiden University (the Netherlands), and attended courses at Guangzhou's Sun Yat-sen University, the Hong Kong Open University, and Harvard Law School (Leaders for Lawyers, 2018). He is on the supervisory board of 30+ subsidiaries of multinationals in China, and an arbitrator of the SHIAC specialising in disputes on foreign investment, joint ventures and international cooperation, corporate law and contract law.

Heidi Su, Head of Sustainabilitu, Suzano Asia

Heidi Su is the head of sustainability, Suzano Asia, which she joined Suzano since March, 2022. She is responsible for sustainability related matters and business covering Asia of Suzano, including internal and external stakeholder engagement, sustainability relationship establishment with customers and suppliers, biodiversity and nature education initiative in China, open innovation with sustainability and nature-based carbon ecosystem establishment. Before she joined Suzano, she also was the innovation and sustainability expert working in chemical and building sectors with international background.


  • Online: Member ticket

    人民币 100

    3pm–4pm, February 29th

  • Online: Non-member ticket

    人民币 200

    3pm–4pm, February 29th



