
The Danish Chamber of Commerce in China (DCCC) is inviting our members to attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in East/Shanghai, where we evaluate the work of 2023 and elect the Board of Directors for 2024.

The AGM will take place on Tuesday,12th March, 5pm-8pm, at the Royal Danish Consulate General in Shanghai.

We are pleased to invite Mikael Winther, Ambassador Consul General of the Royal Danish Consulate in Shanghai as well as Ms. Dan Wang, PhD and Chief Economist, Hang Seng Bank China.

Mr. Winther will be sharing on current Denmark-China relations and Dr. Wang will dissect critical questions surrounding the country's economic growth, the impact of policies, and the inherent risks and opportunities.

The AGM is for DCCC corporate members and special invitees only, and each corporate member can have up to two representatives participate in the AGM free of charge.

If you are not able to join in person, it is strongly suggested that you fill out the Proxy Form. Please return this form as scanned file by the 8th of March to: bitten@dccc.com.cn.

Please register on this page.

From all of us in the DCCC Board and Secretariat in East China - we are looking forward to the Annual General Meeting 2024.

中国丹麦商会 (DCCC) 邀请我们的东部会员参加在上海举行的东区分会年度理事大会 (AGM),回顾一起走过的2023年,并选举 2024 年理事会。

本次年度理事大会为线下会议,时间为2024年3月12日 周二下午5-8点,地点为丹麦王国驻上海总领事馆



DCCC 理事会和秘书处团队期待在 2024 年年度大会上与您相见!

DATE & TIME | 日期时间

March 12th, 5pm to 8pm


The Royal Danish Consulate General in Shanghai

Room 3101, Shanghai International Trade Center, 2201 Yan'an West Road, Shanghai

上海市长宁区延安西路 2201号国贸中心 3101 室丹麦王国驻上海总领事馆


Honorary Speaker: Mikael Winther, Consul General, The Royal Danish Consulate General in Shanghai

Keynote Speaker: Dan Wang, PhD and Chief Economist, Hang Seng Bank China

ABOUT the Discussion

Embark on a profound exploration of the Chinese economic landscape with us, as we host a distinguished speaker for a captivating session. Despite positive reports on China's economic recovery, Danish analysts express unprecedented skepticism. In this exclusive event, we are privileged to welcome Dr. Dan Wang, Chief Economist at Hang Seng Bank China.

Join us for an engaging discussion, where Dr. Wang will dissect critical questions surrounding the country's economic growth, the impact of policies, and the inherent risks and opportunities. This enlightening session offers a unique chance to glean insights from a seasoned economist and influential commentator. Don't miss the opportunity to navigate the intricacies of China's economic landscape and gain a nuanced understanding of its current challenges and future prospects.

About Dan Wang:

Dan Wang is chief economist at Hang Seng Bank China, based in Shanghai. Dan was previously an analyst at the EIU and holds a PhD in economics from the University of Washington. Her postdoc was with the Chinese Academy of Sciences. She's regularly quoted in international and state media and write columns for FT China and Caixin.

Dan joined The EIU in 2015. She has published on a wide range of topics since then. She is the main writer for several special reports including China Consumer 2030 and China's Emerging City Rankings. She is also one of the authors of the Belt and Road Quarterly report available to EIU clients. Besides, she has acted as a consultant on commissioned policy studies, topics ranging from fiscal reform, energy to climate change.

Dan is a regular commentator in international media (CNBC, BBC, Al Jazeera, Channel NewsAsia, CGTN). She often presents at conferences and has been invited to share perspectives on China with senior corporate executives, academics and diplomatic officials. She has also been speaker, panelist and moderator for events inside and outside The EIU.

Dan holds a PhD in economics from University of Washington. Before joining the EIU she was a post-doctoral fellow in the Chinese Academy of Sciences as an economist. She led national surveys to evaluate agricultural policies and the National Clean-Water projects, and has collaborated with the World Bank and the UN on inclusive growth and food security issues. Dan holds a BE in International Economics and BA in law from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics.







Vote on Amendment of Bylaw


Individual membership - Individuals not qualifying for an All-China, A, B or C Corporate Membership. For legal reasons, Chinese nationals do not qualify for individual membership. Individual members will have voting rights in the local chapter where they are registered but not relating to changes to the AoA or Bylaws.

Individual Membership - Individual membership is open to those who do not qualify for an All-China, A, B, or C Corporate Membership. However, individuals who are Danes and working with Danish or Danish co-owned companies are ineligible for individual membership. Additionally, for legal reasons, Chinese nationals are excluded from individual membership. Individual members are entitled to voting rights within their registered local chapter, except concerning changes to the Articles of Association (AoA) or Bylaws.












  • Mikael Winther (Ambassador, Consul General to Shanghai, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark)

    Mikael Winther

    Ambassador, Consul General to Shanghai, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark


  • Dan Wang (Chief Economist, Hang Seng Bank China)

    Dan Wang

    Chief Economist, Hang Seng Bank China

