

The DCCC is happy to invite Chinese employees of members for an in-depth English language course with 70 units over the next four months. Quality classes and efficient learning combined with competitive pricing are key words for this language experience.

目标与内容 Objectives and Content
The course covers Business English communication in most aspects in a company with an emphasis on cultural expectations and the western way of performing tasks and thinking about business. The class covers practical and effective methods for dealing with English communication in a professional manner. Each class includes conversation and/or writing, vocabulary and cultural tips.

此课程全方面涵盖商务英语交流内容,侧重于跨文化背景下的商务英语交流。 课程包括商务英语对话, 写作,跨国公司里跨文化交流的内容, 具有很强的实用性。

参加对象 Target Group
People who are at an intermediate (or above) English level and want to improve their English communication skills in Business.

大纲 Outline
  • 大纲和术语 Corporate Overviews and Terminology
  • 有效和专业的邮件写作 Effective and Professional Looking Emails
  • 市场和销售英语 Marketing and Sales
  • 有效的电话交流 Effective Telephone Calls
  • 与上司交流 Talking to the Boss
  • 做决定 Decision Making
  • 跨国公司里管理员工 Managing Staff in a Multinational Company
  • 财务信息 Giving Financial Information
  • 报告写作 Report Writing
  • 影响交流的文化差异 Cultural Differences that affect Communication
  • 会议交流/突出重点 Communicating in Meetings/Getting Your Point Acros

日期/ Duration
2017 年 08 月 30 日 – 2017 年 12 月 13 日
30. Aug. 2017 - 13. Dec. 2017

时间/ Time
周三: 18:45 – 20:45 周六: 14:00 - 16:30
Wednesday: 18:45 – 20:45 Saturdays: 14:00 - 16:30

课时/ Course Units 70 课时/units (1 课时为 45 分钟) (one unit = 45 min.)

价格/ Price
会员: 4600 人民币 非会员: 5100 人民币 Member: 4600 RMB Non-Member: 5100RMB
语言 / Language 英语 English
地点/ Venue: 北京市朝阳区东三环北路 8 号 亮马河大厦 2 座 8 层
Landmark Tower 2, North Dongsanhuan Road 8, Chaoyang District, Beijing


18:45 - 20:30 GMT+8


亮马河大厦 2 座 8 层
中国朝阳区北京市东三环北路 8 号


Member Price
标准价格 人民币 4,600
现场票价 人民币 4,600
Non-Member Price
人民币 5,600