

The DCCC, together with Swedish Chamber and Finland Business Council, we are proud to invite our members representative and friends to attending this event, to learn Mr. Zhao Jinyan, his story from Entry level to CEO in his 20 years in Velux, overcoming barriers between Nordic culture and Chinese local team, and how a single product from Nordic can survive in the Chinese market​.
Mr. Zhao Jinyan is the legal representative and executive president of Velux (China) Limited. He is also the initiator of the ‘ACTIVE HOUSE Academic Committee’ in the organization ‘Architectural Society of China’, and he is the vice chairman of ‘China Near Zero Energy Building Technology Alliance’. Besides having many years of experience in the field of Chinese building energy efficiency, he also actively promotes the development of environmental protection, energy efficiency as well as healthy and comfortable business in China.
赵金彦,威卢克斯(中国)有限公司执行总裁,法人代表,是中国建筑学会ACTIVE HOUSE学术委员会发起人及中国近零能耗建筑技术联盟副理事长。他在中国建筑节能行业多年从业经验,积极推动中国建筑行业环保,节能,健康舒适事业的发展。

Mr. Zhao has worked for Velux China for more than 20 years in many different positions. Among these positions are Exhibition Manager, Customer Service Manager, Area Sales Manager, Technology Manager, Market Development Director and now Executive President. In these positions he has accumulated solid experience within leadership development, business creativity, organizational development in Velux and much more.

Event details:
Time: Tuesday December 12, 18.40-20.30
Venue: Four Seasons Beijing, 48 Liang Ma Qiao Road Chaoyang District, Beijing
Price: 200 RMB for members and 400 RMB for non-members
Language: Chinese

18.40-19.00 Registration and network
19.00-19.45 Presentation
19.45-20.00 Q&A
20.00-20.30 Network (canapé served with two wine or beer or coffee & tea or drinks)


18:40 - 20:30 GMT+8




  • Jinyan Zhao (CEO, Velux (China) Co.Ltd)

    Jinyan Zhao

    CEO, Velux (China) Co.Ltd



Member Price
人民币 200
Non-Member Price
人民币 350