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Long Chen (Co-Founder of Plenum)

Long Chen

Co-Founder of Plenum

Chen Long is co-founder and partner of Plenum. He manages Plenum’s research and is the lead economist. Previously, he worked as the China economist for Gavekal Dragonomics from 2014 to 2019. As a PBOC watcher, he writes extensively on China’s monetary policy, exchange rate policy, banking system and financial markets. He is quoted frequently by the Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, and Bloomberg, and he also writes columns for the South China Morning Post and the Strait Times. A native Beijinger, he was educated at Peking University.

Chucheng Feng (Partner at Plenum)

Chucheng Feng

Partner at Plenum

FENG Chucheng is co-founder and partner of Plenum. He conducts research on China’s political and policy developments. Previously, he worked at Blackpeak and Eurasia Group, where he advised global investors and corporations on Chinese politics’ impact to their businesses. Chucheng holds a bachelor’s degree in political science and history from University of California, Berkeley and a master’s degree in political science from Columbia University.